1 Church St., Le Roy, NY 14482
FAX 585-768-6334
We Do
Stafford Fire Department, Inc.
is seeking sealed bids for the lease of 75 tillable
acres in the Town of Stafford (Tax map #8.-1-80.11).
The lease will be for five years.
Submit sealed bids no later than 2/21/14 to:
Stafford Fire Department, Inc.
6153 Main Road, PO Box 56
Stafford, NY 14143-0056
Stafford Fire Department, Inc. has the right to accept
or reject any/all bids.
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Mike Darby’s Patch and Paint
Mike Darby's Patch & Paint
New York State DOT has de-
termined that there will be no
changes to our traffic lanes in
LeRoy. The Road Diet Proposed
project will not move forward.
In discussion, observation and
community involvement the fol-
lowing reasons were provided to
dismiss the project:
1. DOT got the sense that the
road diet changes were not well
2. There was not compelling
accident data in LeRoy to sup-
port the change.
3. They thought what was
wanted by a former administra-
tion was still in place - diagonal
parking, traffic calming, etc. ...
As the community comments
did not support the thought, they
have pulled back.
4. They are compelled by law
to review access to bike lanes to
assure a complete traffic lane,
that’s the force behind - bike
lane consideration.
Still in the plan for Route 5, it
will be re-surfaced in 2014, with
the same pavement markings,
except for moving the stop bar
in the turning lanes only as sug-
gested by Sheriff Deputy. More
information will be shared at the
County Traffic Safety meetings
by Regional DOT Engineer, Pat
Dates for the Oatka Festival,
July 18-21, were provided to
avoid highway work. David G.
indicated he could work those
into the contract documents as
dates to avoid. Determination
letters will be forthcoming to
those individuals and officials
that provided written comments.
On your behalf, I extended our
sincere appreciation for the DOT
meeting, consideration of our
community comments and their
determination to leave our traf-
fic pattern alone. Together, we
learned that collectively, as we
spoke with one voice, govern-
ment, business, public safety and
businesses, our message was well
received and made a difference.
Congratulations to the LeRoy
Business Council for another
successful Community Educa-
tion Forum. Thank you to Su-
pervisor Barbeau, Mayor Rog-
ers, Chief Hayward, Fire Chief
Wood, and Transportation Di-
rector Hart for your sincere and
honest comments that proved
very insightful. Mostly, I would
like to thank every person who
took the time to attend the meet-
ing, share thoughtful comments
and made a difference.
We have built a coalition base
for LeRoy to determine our fu-
ture, let’s stay focused on our
next upcoming opportunities to-
Legislator Shelley Stein
No Changes To Traffic Lanes