Jams • Jelly • Seeds
Gift CertificatesAvailable!
• Perennials
(grown in our own
8160LakeRd. (Rt. 19)
LeRoy, NY
1/2mile southof Thruway
768-2280 • 704-1157
Hours:Mon.-Sat. 9-6, Sunday9-5
This letter is to thank everyone who battled the massive fire that destroyed an iconic landmark in
theTownof Pavilionon June1st. Althoughamajor part of ourTown’s history lays in ruin, another
historic landmark only eight feet from the structure that burned, still stands. No words can fully
express our gratitude, but wewill try .....
To thefiremenandwomenof the threecountiesand fourteendepartments
who responded,wewill
always remember you are the reason our building is still standing, virtually untouched by the raging
flamesonly feet away.Withall that iswrong in thisworld,youshoweduseverything that is right.Your
dedication to service, commitment toyour community, teamwork and camaraderiewereoutstanding.
Your gift to humanity is grace beyondmeasure.You gave us everything you had that fateful day, yet
asked for nothing in return.
thankyou foryour sacrificeon thatbeautiful sunny
Sunday.Wecanonly imagine theplansandprojects thatwereputonholdwhileyour lovedonebattled
this blaze for hours and hours on end. How proud youmust be of their service. These amazingmen
and women are appreciated and needed. They are an inspiring example to all. Look up and honor
these brave and dedicatedmen andwomen.
Toall thevolunteers :
SalvationArmy, RedCross, Town of Pavilion employees and residents who
supplied water and food, Your presence was comforting and nothing less than epic. To those who
donate to theseorganizations, aspecial thankyouandaprayer thatyoumayneverneed their services.
To thecountlesspeople
that prayed that our building be saved, God listened!
To the three families
that lost everything, wewatched helplessly as your worldly processionswent
up in flames. Your calmness, strength, and faith is an inspiration that will forever be etched in our
minds and hearts.
Aspecial thankyouandacknowledgement
to theTownofPavilionOfficials,HighwayDepartment,
andCountyFireCoordinators office.
whodonated, suppliedanddelivered275.2gallonsofdiesel
fuel to thefire truckswe salute your commitment to the community.
Lastly Iwant to
forhisgrace,watchingover those thatprotect andserve.Nohumans
or petswere lost.
David andAnnD’Angelo, Owners of 11114 and 11116W. ParkSt. Pavilion
CatherineCarlsen fromCountryHill
TeresaTracy andMelissaCoral from JazzyCreations
AnnD’Angelo fromRemissionCafe
Fresh Produce
Sweet Corn and Cherries Coming Soon!
Zucchini • SummerSquash
Peaches •Watermelon
byGreg “Porp”Rogers
Summer is finally here! The
Recreation Program is up and
runningwithmanydifferent pro-
grams available. The Recreation
the Town Hall. Please use extra
cautionwhendrivingaround; the
children will be out and about,
especially near the play grounds
and pool.
At the Board Meeting on
Wednesday evening the Village
Board honoredLarryBoylan for
themany years of service as the
VillageAttorney. Larrywas pre-
sentedwith a key to theVillage.
His dedication will be greatly
missed, but he really deserves
the time to spendwithhis family.
The Oatkafest is right around
thecorner, soplease try toplan to
support theactivitiesandvendors.
This event is part of the charm
of our community and a chance
to show off to others the quality
of life in LeRoy. You may have
noticed the TRITHEOATKA
signon the corner of 5 and19. It
is there to promote the triathlon
that takes place during the Oat-
kafest,anevent thatwasverywell
attended last year. Through the
effortsof thecommittee it should
be even better this year.
Thesidewalkproject isgaining
momentum, and you should be
able toseeasignificantamountof
progress thisyearwith thewhole
project being completed by the
end of 2015.
Lastly, the Farmers’ Market
really needs your support, these
vendorsmake theeffort tocome to
ourcommunity tosell theirgoods,
if we do not support them, we
stand the chance of losing them.
“Poor is the man whose plea-
sures depend on the permission
of another”. Madonna
Notes From The
Mayor's Office