July 2014
Summer HasArrived!
It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone at LeRoyCentral SchoolDistrict.
TheBoardofEducation,AdministrativeTeam, staffand thesummercrewarealreadydiligentlyplanning
for opening day on September 3, 2014. Lots of excitement will be happening throughout the summer,
includingour SummerReadingCampProgram,whichwill beginon July28th, finalizingof schedules andpreparationof our
Pleasehelpusout inourplanningbymaking sure that your
TransportationRequest forms
are returned to theTransportation
Office as soon as possible. Also, if you have new neighbors or friendsmoving into the area, please encourage them to call
the school to register their children. More information about both of these can be found below.
On behalf of the Le Roy Central School District Board of Education and the entire staff, I wish you all a safe and happy
summer break!
KimM. Cox, Superintendent of Schools
Each year we ask that families update their transportation
request forms. This is vital to ensure that routes are
developed and notification of pick-up and delivery times
can be issued during the last week of August. Forms are
located online for your convenience at
Youmayalsocall at
Also, look for our school bus onSaturday, July19th in the
OatkaFestival parade!During theFestival feel free to tour
thebus, askquestions about transportationandfill out your
form right there! Thank you in advance for your help in
ensuring our students get to and from school in a safe and
orderly fashion.
New to the
District ...
We are delighted to have you join the Le
RoyCentral SchoolDistrict family!
Pleasecall768-5133 tomakeanappointment
to register your children for the fall. Student
records and proof of residency must be
obtained before students begin school.
Don’t delay, call us and
get registered today!
More information can
be found on the District
website at the “New
Student Registration”
quick link.
WorldClassLearners ...
Empowered toSucceed