Piecing TogetherMore BarnQuilts
The recent article by Caurie
Putnam in the
Democrat and Chronicle
LeRoy’s Barn Quilts was just
beautiful. I had a great time
drivingaround townshowingher
a fewof thequilts.Unfortunately
there wasn’t enough time to
see all of them, but I knew she
understood the great story that
unfolded as we drove from one
place to another.
She told me that she enjoyed
having the opportunity to write
a “happy” story. She lives in
Brockportandduring thesummer
had brought her two sons out to
the Jell-OMuseum. She asked
why no one from the newspaper
had been out to do an article on
the quilts before, and I told her I
probably didn’t talk to the right
folks. But I was really glad she
had come out, because the barn
quiltprojectneeded tobeshared.
IemailedCaurie to tellherhow
much Ienjoyed thearticleafter it
came out on Sunday and added
that the lastparagraphaboutbarn
quilts coming from Europe 300
years ago, is a legend, and is not
basedonfact.She toldmeshehad
notwritten that. Itmusthavebeen
added by the copy editor.
Then a few days later Lauren
Petroccacameout tophotograph
the quilts. She told me that she
had just been hired as a staff
photographer a few months
earlier. She was really excited
about her job. She grew up in
Rochester and graduated from
R.I.T. and hadmoved away
for a while, but was glad
to be back in Rochester,
working at a job she loved.
So thank you Caurie and
Lauren for a great story.
Here are some of the new
barnquilts thathavegoneup
in the last year:
BillKentboughtabarnquilt for
hiswife, Jean, atChristmas. This
summer I primed the plywood
anddrew thepattern. Bills family
got together topaint thequilt and
a fewweeks ago this spectacular
barn quilt was put on the west
side of their barn at Richmond
Road inStafford.
Just around the corner
DonnaCallandher family
painted this great quilt as
a tribute to her husband,
former Genesee County
Sheriff, Doug Call.
Heading south on Route
263. As you come to the
intersection of Route 5,
on the south side of the
Stafford Town Hall you
can find “Four Corners”
panted by friends of
the Stafford Historical
Society. (Andmakesureyoustop
byandgo through theirmuseum.
It is a hidden gem.)
This beautiful 4x4 quilt
“Nosegay” is a bright cheerful
addition to thequilt trail southof
LeRoyon the east sideRoute19.
If you take the Perry Road
south of LeRoy you canfind two
more quilts. The 8 x 8 purple
and lavender “No Place
Like Home” was painted
by Donna Green and is
located south of Cobb
Road on Dillon Road.
Continue on Perry Road
south and you will find
this bright quilt on the
west side.
This colorful “Pinwheel” can
be found on the east side at
Summit Street.
I’m not sure where this
“Crazy Quilt” will be going. It
was presented to Sue Conklin,
Genesee County Historian at
her retirement reception last
Thursday. Folks were asked to
sign the back.
Route 263.
Summit St.