LeRoy FamilyMedical Care
Please call 768-4400 to scheduleyour appt.
Monday, Oct. 13th
1:00pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday, Oct. 15th
8:00 - Noon
Scheduled For
“Our FamilyServingYours Since 1907”
Trusted•Honest •Proven
Cameron, Brady&Steuber
111Wolcott Street
LeRoy,NY 14482
(585) 768-6800 •
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It was a rainy fall day at The
GreensofLeRoy forourmeeting
today. We had the pleasure of
having three high school seniors
join us for lunch today: Ryan
Biggins, Sydnie Klusek and Se-
There were many announce-
ments today. Bob Bennett an-
plianceRafflewill beNovember
2ndat theAmericanLegion from
1-5 pm. Also, he announced we
will be having aMilneMeeting
at TheGreens onOctober 8th at
11am. TamaraTorreyannounced
we will be having an Election
Day Spaghetti Dinner at The
American Legion from 3 pm-7
pm, more details to come. Kim
Cox also had several announce-
ments including: Walk toSchool
Day on October 8th, LeRoy
High School has been selected
tobe featuredonFridayMorning
10th, and Interact Fall Fest on
October 19th at TrigonPark.
Christine Gephart gave an
update on EarlyAct, including
plans toplace largeredribbonson
the light poles onMain Street to
raiseawareness for theupcoming
RedRibbonWeek. Also, thenext
28th at 3:15 at Wolcott Street
School. Erik Fix announced his
son, Brady, has created an Insta-
gram for the community to learn
about EarlyAct& tokeepupdat-
ed on upcoming events. Please
follow the students at “early-
actknights” on Instagram. Anil
announced to remember to start
making our annual contributions
to Every Rotarian Every Year.
President Randy announcements
included: Eastern Cities Dinner
on October 27th, Congratula-
tions to theMoose on 100 years
in LeRoy, October is Vocational
Service Month, and the Greater
Buffalo Rotary Bash on the Oc-
tober 25th& 26th.
Tom McGinnis, David
Grayson, Lynne Belluscio, and
TimMoagpaid formissedmeet-
ings, while Chris Biviano and
LynnFreeman hadmakeups.
Bob Bennett was fined for
having to leave themeetingearly.
BruceBakerwas fined for being
married to the newest “LeRoyan
of theYear”. RonPangraziowas
offered a limited edition puzzle,
but gratefully declined, and paid
up anyway. We congratulate &
commend JerryMcCullough on
his newest service to our com-
TheBoard of Directors for CDS
LeRoyRotarian, ErikFixwas
our program today. Erik is the
GeneseeCountyDirector forThe
United Way. The United Way
2015 Campaign is kicking off
with a goal of raising $400,000
inGeneseeCounty. Erikgavean
excellent presentation on prin-
cipals & goals for The United
Way. Erik indicated that The
UnitedWayhas foundsignificant
gaps in funding for youth related
programs, andwillhaveaspecial
focus for thesegroups.Eachyear,
ty has supported local non-profit
agencies with funding for pro-
grams and services through the
Followinganextensive review
of our community needs, the
Board of Directors of the Unit-
ed Way has approved the 2014
BuildingBlocks forChange. The
BuildingBlocks forChangewill
allow UW staff and volunteers
to better respond to the needs
of a changing community. The
Building Blocks will focus on
threeareas: InvestingToday fora
Needs and Creating Long-Term
Solutions. Formore information
ondonating, servicesand funding
available throughGeneseeCoun-
Please like“RotaryClubofLe-
Roy”onFacebook. Please follow
ourEarlyActClubon Instgramat
Saturday,October 25th
10 TrigonPark, LeRoy, NewYork
Seating: 4:30 to 7:00pm
TakeOuts: 4:30 to6:30pm
Adults: $10.00
Children 6-12 - $5.50, 5&Under Free
TicketsAvailableat theDoor
For homedeliveries call: 768-8980Monday-Friday
(leaveamessage& your phonenumber please)
Roast Beef,Gravy, RealMashed
Potatoes, SaladBar, Squash, Desserts,
Quick Breads, Beverages
ServedBuffet Style
LeRoyUnitedMethodist Church
Harvest Roast Beef