LeRoy Youth Soccer Association
Thiswas another successful year for theLeRoyYouthSoccer Program
(summer and fall). First and foremost, it would not be possiblewithout
the players and parents. This year we had approximately 300 children
participatingon20 teams for the summer program. The fall programhas
grown to 80 players forwith4 teams includingour skills program.
Secondly, abig
needs togo the followingbusinesses that sponsor teams and/or donated to the
summer soccer program:
A.J. Gugino Jr. DDS, The Bank of Castile/Tompkins Insurance Agencies, BC Fabrication&Repairs, Inc.,
BCTransport, Inc., Batavia Legal Printing, Bob Shepard&Family Plumbing&Heating, BoylanLawOffice
LLP, Cook’s Landscaping, Deep Blue Pool & Spa, Ehrmentraut Landscape Concepts, Falcone Electric, Five
Star Bank, GoTToGo Electric, Inc., GrahamCorporation, Humphrey Electric & Security Inc., John F. Rider
Real Estate,KenBarrett Chevrolet –Cadillac,Kiwanis of LeRoy, Pavilion,&Stafford,Knights ofColumbus,
Rotary,Master CareRestorationCompany,McDonald’s of LeRoy,Mickel’sNickels, Pierce Industries, Pizza
Land, RonaldR. Coniber RepairsLLC, Tops, RotorkControls, YNGodess.
Wewould like to give special thanks toMaster CareRestorationCompany for sponsoringmultiple teams in
the 2014 season.
need togo to the followingorganizations forprovidingservices
at no charge or at a reduced rate during the soccer season:
Cook’sLandscaping formowing the soccerfieldsonWestBergenRoad,LeRoyCSD
and theTownof LeRoy for the use ofBunnell andHartwoodPark facilities and equip-
ment, theCalvaryBaptistChurchofLeRoy for thepropertyusage, theTownofStafford
for theuseofEmeryPark, theFirstPresbyterianChurch for ameeting space, theLeRoy
PoliceDepartment, theRichardsonFarm for the equipment usage.
And finally for the countless hours that our volunteers put into the program; a
for all the time and effort
, without you the seasonwould not have
been possible: Thank you Coaches, coaching assistants, team parents, all volunteers,
Sincerely, LYSABoardMembers
Fire trucks,
fire stations,
and fire drills!
That’s what
the Nursery
and Pre-K
children at
Love Bugs
been explor-
ing all week.
They enjoyed
many differ-
ent hands on
activities in-
cluding a visit
it to theLeRoy
Fire Station!
The Nursery
children also searched their school for smoke detectors. They
discovered that theones theyhad in their schoolwere the shape
of a circle, their shape of themonth!Onemorning theNursery
childrenparticipated in afire drill. Theyheard the loud sound
of thesmokedetectorandquickly linedupandmovedaway from
their school.Theydid such a great job!