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RotaryNotes - 10/29/14
It was a packed house when
President Randy rang the bell
to start the meeting. Our guests
included three Le Roy Seniors;
Gunther Boyd, Cameron Kleist
andScottEvans. Also joiningus
were FredReed, RayMoore and
Todaywas a special day aswe
celebrated President Randy’s
birthday as well as fellow Ro-
tarians ScottMcCumiskey, June
Dusen and Bruce Baker. The
groupshowedour fondapprecia-
tion forourbirthday friendswith
undoubtedly thebest renditionof
“Home on the Range” we have
ever performed.
We took time for a few an-
nouncements including The
RotaryClub of Perrywould like
toannounce theirAnnualVariety
Show on November 10th and
11th, and November 21st is the
Annual Rotary Foundation Cel-
ebration at Slavatore’s.
President Randy then wel-
comedback thoseRotarians that
havebeenabsent recently includ-
ing JerryMcCullough who was
away for threeweeks,TimMoag
joined us after 2 weeks absent
and we were all happy to see
Dave Grayson, Lynne Freeman,
TamaraTorrey (whobroughthim
a GrowYour Own PalmTree as
memento of warmer weather),
Bruce Baker, June Dusen and
Martha Baily join us again after
oneweek away.
Our Fining session started
with a recognition of Bruce
Baker’s 51st Anniversary as
a Rotarian, Next Carol Wolfe
was fined and recognized for
a very generous donation to
Le Roy Central School to help
pay for shoes and winter boots
for families in need as well as
her starring role in the recent
all-femaleproductionof theOdd
Couple. JerryMcCulloughpaid
for a brief commercial forRyan
Heating and Plumbing’s Green
nett was fined for RSVP’ing to
aRotary event and not showing
up. Finally, Lynne Belluscio
was fined for current picture
and write up that appeared in a
recent article about her role as
the Jell-OMuseumCurator.
Bob Boyce was then honored
by JustinSmithand JoeForsythe
from the Jerome Foundation as
this year’s winner of the Health
and Humanitarian Award. He is
the Award’s 30th recipient and
was recognized forallof theded-
icationandsupporthe’sgiven the
foundation over the years.
or foroneofourguestsbefore the
program began. Patricia Navas
aswell as the lateRobertBright-
enfield were recognized as Paul
Harris Fellows, one of Rotary’s
highesthonors. PatriciaandRob-
erthaveexperiencedand lived the
ideals of Rotary for many years,
and making generous donations
to theRotaryFoundationandout
R.E.AMilne Scholarship Fund.
Patricia also supports the local
Historical Society. As Lynne
Belluciopresented theaward she
made surewewereall aware that
Patricia is truly one of our com-
munity’s unsung heroes.
In thespiritof theseason,Carol
Wolfe then presented the day’s
program, a few interesting facts
of the origins of Halloween.We
learned that Halloween has its
earliest origins in Ireland from
the ancient Celts that practiced
Samhain, a festival for the dead.
They would dress in costumes
and leave treats at their doors
to appease the roaming spirits.
Jack-O-Lanternswere originally
carved from turnips, beets and
potatoes rather than our familiar
pumpkins. The tradition comes
from the IrishFolk taleofStingy
Jackandhowhe tricked theDevil
twice into sparing his soul from
hell. Once Stingy Jack finally
died, he was deemed not fit for
heaven, and not allowed in hell,
so hewas sent to roam the earth
with nothing but a burning coal
to light his way. He carried the
coal insideahollowedout turnip,
whichpeople thenbegan tocarve
as well as a way toward off the
wandering spirit knowknown as
Carol closed theprogramwith
aquick trivia sessionwherewin-
nerswon pieces of candy hurled
from the podium, there were no
injuries to report.
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taryClubofLeRoy” tokeepup
with pictures, events and more
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