byKimM. Cox
Superintendent of Schools
This past few months have
beenabusy timeof growingand
learning at the Le Roy Central
School District. There have
been a number of activities that
have showcased the hard work
our staff and students have been
engaged inso far thisyear. Ihope
you have had an opportunity to
enjoy many of them firsthand.
If not, staying up to date can
also be achieved by following
the hundreds of “tweets” from
both the Jr.-Sr. High School
and the Wolcott Street School.
If you haven’t had a chance to
follow yet, I would encourage
you to try it! You canfind a link
to the Twitter accounts on either
schools’ web page or sign up at
@LeRoy_Knights or @LeRoy-
WSS.This isanotherway thatwe
canshareall thewonderful things
whether in the classroom, on the
stage, or on the playingfield.
Speakingof technology, theJr.-
Sr. High school has also opened
the “Parent Portal” through our
System. Mr. McArdle likes to
refer to this as “an open house
at your fingertips.” Parents and
guardians of students in grades
7-12, can have real-time data on
Superintendent''s Column
MyMealsAt -Grace’sKitchen
Awonderful program to honor, celebrate, congratulate, memorialize or thank
friends, family, colleagues, loved ones, teachers, students and others.
It’s a perfect and unique gift that will always be remembered.
MyMeals at Grace’sKitchen
Provide a donation of $50 ormore toLCCP/Grace’sKitchen
andwewill rename ameal for you.
Your namedmeal and dedicationwill be displayedon themenuboard in our dining area
as our guests and volunteers arrive.
A certificate plus aphoto of themenu board andmeal will be sent to you
orwhomever you choose.
Complete formbelow and send to:Grace’sKitchen
c/oLCCP, 7EastMainSt., LeRoy, NY 14482
Name of Person forwhommealwill be dedicated to
Preferred date of themeal to be renamed
Dedicationmessage (in honor of, congratulations, thank you, etc.)
I have enclosed $50 (or other donation amount) for each
Check enclosed
Name and address that certificate and photoswill be sent to
their child’s progress at any time
through a visit to the portal. If
you have not logged in and need
support, pleasecontactMs. Janet
Elliott at 768-5518.Youcanalso
download theSchooltoolmobile
app for evenmore convenience.
At this timeofyearwe take time
to give thanks for the blessings
wehaveatourschool, forourstu-
dents, andour entirecommunity.
May you take time out from the
hustleandbustleof thisbusy time
of year to spend timewith those
you loveandenjoysome rest and
renewal of spirit.
Iwishyou awonderful holiday
and a happy and healthy 2015!