1ChurchSt., LeRoy, NY14482
LeRoy - JohnW.Metzler, age66, of LeRoy, passedaway
on February 22, 2015 at theWilmot Cancer Center of
StrongMemorial Hospital, inRochester.
Hewasborn inBatavia,NewYorkandwaspredeceased
by his parents, FredandDorothyMetzler of LeRoy and
infant twin sisters.
He was a self-employed mason prior to his retirement
and livedmost of his life in LeRoy.
He is survivedbya son,Michael (Lisa)MetzlerofRoches-
ter andgrandchildren, AlyseandMichael, Jr. He is also
survivedbyabrother, David (Mary)Metzler andnieces,
Elizabeth (Marcus)GalloofBroadviewHeights,Ohioand
MeredithMetzlerof LosAngeles,Californiaandnephew,
Peter (Katie)Metzler of Batavia.
Therearenopriorvisitinghours. John’smemorial services
will be held on Saturday, May 16th, 2015 at 11 a.m. at
LeRoy PresbyterianChurch, 1Clay Street, LeRoy. In lieu
of flowers, memorials in John’s namemay bemade to
Genesee Cancer Assistance, 16 Bank Street, Batavia,
NewYork14020or to theWilmotCancerCenterofStrong
P.O. Box 270032, Rochester, NewYork 14627. To leavea
condolence, sharea storyor light acandle, please visit
Arrangementsarebeingcompletedby theH.E. Turner&
Co. Funeral Home, 403 EastMain Street, Batavia.
L. Moore, and 18 year old Samuel M. Smith of Rochester, NYwere
arrestedonMay09,2015by theLeRoyPoliceDepartment.Eachsubject
was chargedwithone count of attemptedCriminal Trespass in the3rd
Degree, a class B-Misdemeanor. Additionally Burdettt was charged
with Possession of Burglar Tools, a classA-Misdemeanor, and Smith
was chargedwithUnlawful Possession ofMarihuana, aViolation.
The individuals were arrested after Police received a complaint of
subjects with flashlights in the area of the Jell-O Factory on North
Street. The individuals allegedly attempted to make entrance to the
Factory andwere subsequently arrested.
All parties were issued appearance tickets and are to appear in the
LeRoyTownCourt on June 15, 2015 to answer to the charges.
05/13/2015–TheLeRoyPoliceDepartment is asking for assistance
in identifying thepersonor persons responsible for damaging at least
four different vehicleswhichwere parked inor near the roadway last
evening indifferent partsof theVillage.TheLeRoyPolicehave iden-
tified four vehicleswhichwere scratched or “keyed” for no apparent
reason the eveningof the 12thbetweenpossibly11:00p.m. and7:00
am.Anyonehaving informationpertaining to thesecrimes is asked to
contact theLeRoyPoliceDispatcher at 345-6350.
Character.org, anationaladvo-
cate and leader for the character
tional School of Character. The
Schools of Character program
asaschool thathasdemonstrated
itsuseof character development
to drive a positive impact on
academics, studentbehavior,and
Wolcott Street School climate.
The Schools of Character pro-
gram is not a competition—
but rather an opportunity to
go through a rigorous process
of feedback and coaching, as
well as recognition for growth
and excellence in the area of
character development through
Character.org’s 11 Principles
of Effective Character Educa-
tion framework. Wolcott Street
School will hold its designation
showcaseWolcott Street School
in an annual publication and on
has also earned the right to use
name and logo.
Since its inception, Charac-
ter.org has awarded over 300
schools with the distinction of a
NationalSchool ofCharacter. In
2015, along withWolcott Street
School,63additional schoolsand
3districtswerenamedacross the
Character.org will honor Wol-
cott Street School in person at
the 22nd National Forum on
Character Education, to be held
National Forum, the Schools of
Character program and the 2015
national designees.
WSSNamed a 2015
National School ofCharacter