LeRoy Pennysaver & News - page 11

We’re making some changes
at the Jell-OGallery, and for two
weeks, I’ve been arranging the
new “mold” exhibit. It’s been a
little frustrating,because thewall
ismade froma laminateand I’ve
tried drilling holes and the drill
just doesn’t want to go in. And
so I’ve been using a nail and it’s
like trying to pound a nail into
a counter top! I still have a few
moremolds togo into thisexhibit,
andeventually therewillbemore
than100on thiswall. I’vealways
wanted to put this mold exhibit
together, ever since I saw the
photographs of the “Jell-OMold
building” inSeattle.
Thebuildingwasbuilt in1908
and in 1992, artist Diane Suko-
vathy added 400 Jell-Omolds to
the outside. The building stood
on the corner ofWesternAvenue
andWallStreet andwasdeclared
historically significant but un-
fortunately it was torn down in
1997– the same yearwe opened
the Jell-O Gallery. The molds,
supposedlywereput intostorage,
and I haven’t been able to verify
that. But I just loved the look of
the buildingwith all themolds.
All the molds on the wall are
metal. Some are copper, others
are tinned lined copper. There
are aluminummolds and copper
colored aluminummolds. Some
of the molds are soldered tin.
It’s pretty obvious, that some
of themolds were used only for
decoration andwere never used.
One ofmy favoritemolds is a
tin soldered design of asparagus
clusters in a circle. I have never
used the mold, but I think you
would take short spearsof aspar-
agusand“tie” themwithastripof
pimento, place them in themold
and thenpour in a savorygelatin
or aspic.
Oneof themelonmolds could
be used for a dessert that I have
made. Firstyoufill themoldwith
green lime Jell-O and let is set
until firm. Then you scoop out
the inside and fill it with cooled
watermelon flavored Jell-O and
when it has set, you punch rai-
sins into the watermelon Jell-O.
Whenyoucut slicesof thisJell-O
and place it on a white plate, it
looks like a slice ofwatermelon.
In 1997, whenwe opened the
DinnerAuction at LeRoyHouse
and we used a couple of these
molds to make centerpieces. I
added only enough hot water
to dissolve the Jell-O and then
filled the molds. When I turned
out the Jell-O is was quite hard.
You could pick up the Jell-O
and put it on a different plate
and some of them lasted three
months before we had to throw
them away.We never ate any of
them. I suspect theywouldhave
beenpretty chewy,
Making a molded Jell-O can
be tricky. First the mold has to
be greased so the Jell-Owill re-
lease. A spray saladoil ishandy,
but if youover spray, it canget a
littlemessy. It is advisablenot to
use as much water in the recipe
for a molded Jell-O. Also, fresh
pineapple or kiwi should not be
used, or the gelatin will not gel.
Enzymes in these fruits prevent
the gelatinmolecules from trap-
ping thewatermolecules.
When it is time to unmold the
Jell-O, dip the mold in warm
water - -nothot.Thenuseasharp
knife to goaround theedgeof the
mold. Thenwipe themoldofany
water and place the plate on top
of themoldand invert everything
together. At this point, I usually
discover that I have not centered
the Jell-Oon theplate, and try to
reposition it. And thenwhen the
mold is lifted, it is themoment of
truth.Will theJell-Ostay together
orwill it split or break apart.
When Iwas inNewYorkCity
for an appearance on morning
television for the opening of the
Jell-OGallery, I remember that
they were going to demonstrate
unmolding an American flag
mold. The food technicians had
ten molds ready, just in case
therewereproblems. I remember
thinking, thatmeans thatwhenwe
make a molded Jell-O it makes
sense tomakeseveral, just incase
thefirst ones don’twork.
One of my favorite paintings
in the Jell-O Gallery, shows a
woman unmolding a Jell-O and
it’scaption is“Look,howsimple
and easy.” I think it should be
“themoment of truth!”
Wearestill looking forunusual
molds toputon thewall, sowhen
you are out at a garage sale, or
cleaning out your mother-in-
law’s pantry, keep us in mind.
Themold justmightbecomepart
of the exhibit!
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