1)TheLeRoyPoliceDepartmentwishes to advise all citizens of
a developing pattern of larcenies from unlocked vehicles during
thenight timeor earlymorninghours. The larcenies areoccurring
in theMunson andGilbert Street areas. The pattern started about
December 15, 2015when a vehicle at 82Gilbert St was entered.
Since then four more larceny complaints were received inwhich
cars were entered and items stolen. The latest complaint was re-
ceived todaywhen a resident onMunson Street found suspicious
footprints aroundvehicles in the driveway. TheLeRoyPoliceDe-
partment wishes to remind citizens to lock their vehicles and to
call 9-1-1 immediately if any suspicious persons are seen.
2) 22 year oldAndrea Harrington of 10 Pleasant Street LeRoy
was arrested by the LeRoy Police Department and charged with
one count of Endangering the Welfare of a Child, an A-Misde-
meanor. It is alleged that on 1/25/2016 at about 4:44 pm, while
onBaconStreet in theVillage of LeRoy, Harringtonwas carrying
around a 2 year old childwhile highly intoxicated and having an
unsteady gate. Harringtonwas issued an appearance ticket to ap-
pear in theLeRoyTownCourt on02/08/2016.
1/30/2016 - 29 year old Randy G. Leach of Torrey Road, Staf-
ford, and 25 year old Isaiah J. Munroe of Buell Street, Batavia,
were arrestedon January29th, 2016by theLeRoyPoliceDepart-
ment. Leach andMunroewere chargedwithUnlawful Possession
ofMarihuana, a violation.
TheLeRoyPoliceDepartment initiated a traffic stop in the area
of Lake Street andBaconStreet.After a brief investigation it was
found that the passengers Leach and Munroe were allegedly in
LeachandMunroewere issuedappearance ticketsandare sched-
uled to appear in the LeRoy Town Court onMarch 21, 2016 to
answer to the charges.
01/30/2016 - 21year oldBrantMatthews ofMapleAve, LeRoy,
and 21 year oldBrandon Scheck of CountessDr. Henrietta, were
arrested on January 30, 2016 by the LeRoy Police Department.
Matthews and Scheck were both charged with Unlawful Posses-
sionofMarijuana, a violation.
The Le Roy Police Department was investigating a suspicious
vehicle parked in the parking lot of 110Munson St. The vehicle
was occupiedbyMatthews andScheckwhowere allegedly found
Both subjectswere issuedanappearance ticket andare scheduled
to appear in the LeRoy Town Court on February 22, 2016 to an-
swer to the charge.
02/02/2016 -UPDATE ...TheLeRoyPoliceDepartment is again
urging residents to lock their vehicles. The LeRoy PoliceDepart-
ment receivedmultiple complaints that unlocked cars were again
enteredovernightand itemsstolen fromwithin.The theftsoccurred
in theNorthStreet, SouthStreet,ChurchStreet, ErieStreet andSt.
Mark’s Street area. The LeRoy Police is asking any resident who
sawanything suspiciousorwhowitnessed theseacts tocontact the
LeRoyPoliceDepartment at 345-6350.
02/04/2016 -AtApproximately 5:28 am thismorning, emergen-
cy services were called to the LeRoyMeadowsApartments B-11
Apt-C,LeRoy, for anexplosion that occurred inside theapartment.
It was determined that a small explosion occurred when the oc-
cupant attempted to light a cigarette while connected to an sup-
plemental oxygen source. The LeRoy Police Officer on location
advised there was no active fire but there was smoke inside the
apartment.The58year oldoccupant sufferedburns tohis faceand
possiblyabdomenandwas transported toStrongMemorialHospi-
tal inRochester byLeRoyAmbulance. Theredidnot appear tobe
significant damage to the structure.
02/03/2016 - Jackie A. Dueppengieser of Page Rd., Perry, NY
was arrested on February 3 following a traffic stop for Criminal
possession of a controlled substance in the 7th degree (3 counts);
Aggravated unlicensed operation in the 2nd degree; Operating a
motor vehicle without
ignition interlock; Un-
registeredmotor vehicle
and unlicensed opera-
tor. Dueppengieser was
allegedly operating her
motor vehicle with a
revoked driver’s license
in an uninspected vehi-
cle and without her re-
quired ignition interlock
device. Dueppengieser
also allegedly was in
possession of a sched-
uled narcotic that was
not prescribed to her
and allegedly in pos-
session of an amount
of cocaine and heroin.
Dueppengieser was ar-
raigned in the Town of
LeRoy Court and rem-
manded to the Genesee
Co. Jail in lieuof $1,000