LeRoy Pennysaver & News
LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - JANUARY 20, 2019 MONDAY, JANUARY 21 TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets Monday evenings at the LeRoy Presbyte- rian Church, corner of Clay & Main Streets. Doors open at 6:00 pm and meeting is from 6:15-7:15 pm. Visitors are always welcome. Call 585-768-2933 for more information. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 GRACE'S CLOSET: A clothing giveaway at LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park, LeRoy NY Clothing for all ages infants through adults. Donations can be dropped off inside on the back porch of the house next to church. PLEASE NO electronics, TV'S, household items, large baby furniture. Hours: TUESDAY'S 5-6:30P & THURSDAY'S 9:30-11:30AM. Contact 768-8980 for questions. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 The Sewing Bee. Free sewing classes for adults and children ages 12 and above. We meet weekly on Thursday mornings at the Hope Center of LeRoy at 42 Main St from 10:00 to12:00. Newmembers arewelcome. Please contact us at (585) 768-8184 formore information. UPCOMING EVENTS “Mothers United in Prayer” at the Hope Center of LeRoy (42 Main Street). We meet once a month (first Wednesday) for one hour to pray for our children, schools and community. For further information, please call the Hope Center at 768-8184. Stafford United Methodist Church, 6134 Main Road (Route 5), Stafford Sauerkraut Dinner, Thursday, February 7th, take outs available 4:30 pm, serving 5:00 pm until sold out. Menu: SauerkrautwithPork Pieces,Mashed Potatoes, Hot Dogs, Applesauce, Baby Carrots, Bread and Assorted Homemade Desserts. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church’s monthly discussion series called “Community for Understanding & Reconciliation” will meet on Thursday, February 7 at 7:00 pm. to discuss “March: Book One.” This autobiographical piece by Rep. John Lewis (GA-5) is about his early days in the Civil Rights Movement and the religious faith that informed and inspiredhis participation. Discussions are open to all, and meetings will emphasize civility in discourse with faith considered in its broadest sense from all religious experiences. More information atwww.stmarksleroy.org or 585-768-7200. The Le Roy Stafford Senior Citizens do not meet for dinner in the months of January and February. Our first dinner for 2019 will beWednesday, March 20th. We will send a reminder at that time and look forward to seeing everyone then. Stay safe and warm and be thinking of some ideas for trips this year. If you have any questions, please contact Judy Ridley at 768-2001 or Sharon Frost at 768-6846. Community Calendar Submissions should be sent to: c a l enda r@l e r oyny. c om WEEKLY EVENTS All Genesee County residents,60andolder, can take part in this week’s activities at the BataviaSeniorCenter, 2 Bank St. , Batavia . Formore information, call 343-1611 Monday: Martin Luther King Holiday – Senior Center Closed Tuesday: Cartooning is scheduled to begin at 9:30 am. Cribbage is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. Wednesday: Euchre is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. Thursday: Cribbage is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. Bridge is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. Friday: Art Class is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am. Euchre is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. lpgraphics.net SENIOR CITIZENSACTIVITIES JANUARY 21 - 25
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