LeRoy Pennysaver & News
LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - JANUARY 20, 2019 by Lynne Belluscio Now that I have your atten- tion, let me say that the Roch- ester Historical Society is clos- ing, not the LeRoy Historical Society, however, many histor- ical societies and museums are in dire straights and Rochester is an example of what is hap- pening. There is something to learn from their demise. The story of the Rochester Histori- cal Society began in the 1860s. Through the years, it amassed a significant irreplaceable col- lection. Their archives were astounding. Their paintings were phenomenal. It was an organization governed by the old guard Rochester wealthy. It wasn’t an organization that my family felt a part of, and we certainly weren’t members. They were located in a beauti- ful 1841 Greek Revival house on East Avenue in Rochester. I don’t think I had ever been in their house until 20 years ago and was pretty impressed. In 2008, it became evident that they couldn’t afford the upkeep on the house and they decided to sell it for $450,000 and move the collections to the Rundell Library. Rent was $48,000 a year, and they couldn’t pay the rent and then in 2014 had to move the collections once again. Now, they are faced with what to do with all the man- uscripts, archives, paintings, furniture and clothing that doc- uments Rochester’s history and no one knows what is going to happen. They have sold some of the objects and archives that do not pertain to Rochester, but the rest of the collection is pro- tected by New York State law - sort of. It can still be dispersed and moved from Rochester. So imagine if the LeRoy Historical Society couldn’t take care of LeRoy House or if the Jell-O Gallery had to close and lose the tourist income that helps pay the bills. What would happen to the portraits of Herman LeRoy, or Emily and Marietta Ingham? Where would the Ingham art collection go? What would happen to the wedding gowns or the World War I uniforms? Who would teach all the hands on history programs for the Wolcott Street School? And under all these questions - would anyone care if the Historical Society ceased to exist. A few years ago, the Pavilion Historical Society went through a similar situa- tion. Their membership had dwindled. Their collection was on display in the old library, but few people visited. They did not have investments or an endowment to help, and so they began to deacession their collection. Some records were sent to Batavia and the LeRoy Historical Society took some items. But Pavilion’s tangible history was dispersed. With the mobility of to- day’s society, fewer and few- er people are attached to their hometowns. “Downsizing” is the rule of the day. “My kids don’t want this stuff.” So what happens to the family pho- tos taken on the front porch, or great grandma’s wedding gown, or your uncle’s war dia- ry? And so the stuff comes to the Historical Society - tangible evidence of your family’s foot- print in LeRoy. So what hap- pens if the Historical Society folds - Generations of LeRoy history is deacessioned - sold - lost. We don’t anticipate this happening in LeRoy. But we could use a few more members. If it were possible, everyone in LeRoy would automatically be a member of the Historical Society. In some ways we’ve made that possible with these weekly articles in the Penny- saver. This is due to the gener- osity of David Grayson, who for over 30 years has included this column in the LeRoy Pen- nysaver. Once a year, in Janu- ary, the Historical Society has a membership drive, so if you’re inclined, there is a membership form on this page for you to use. We would appreciate your support. Members receive four newsletters each year. And you receive free admission to the Jell-O Gallery and a discount in the museum shop. Members also receive a couple of passes for your friends. And best of all, you will have the satisfac- tion of knowing that you have helped keep our doors open and the lights on. And you have helped preserve the unique his- tory of LeRoy. Historical Society to Close 2017 Business Members Each year, the Historical Society reaches out to the business community for support for special proj- ects. This ear, we are most thankful for donations from the following: $500 level McD nalds of LeRoy $250 level Humphrey Electric LP Graphics Supporting $100 The Greens of LeRoy Lakestreet Florist Harris Farms M&B Farms Croc Free Sust John Derri Pizza Falco John Gott Cam Fun Bubb Bill F Red Iroqu Linw ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES Jan. 1, 20 ___ - Dec. 31, 20 ___ ❒ Family ................................35.00 ❒ Individual or Sen. Cit.........25.00 ❒ Sustaining ..........................50.00 ❒ Supporting........................100.00 ❒ Life (Individual)...............400.00 ❒ Enclosed is an additional contribution of: _______ Name: ______________________________ Address: ____________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________ Telephone:___________________________ VISAORMASTERCARD#: ___________________________________ EXPDATE: _______ Contributions to non-profit educational insitutions are tax deductable.Pleasemakecheckpayableto:LeRoyHistoricalSociety MAIL TO: LeRoy Historical Society 23 East Main Street, PO Box 176 LeRoy, NY 14482-0176
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