LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - MARCH 17, 2019 LeRotary Notes President Jim Ellison opened the meeting with the Pledge of Alliance, a prayer by Rotarian Bob Carlsen and the Four Way test. Guests were Chris and Sarah Noble from Noblehurst Farms. The first order of business was the announcements. Next week is the Board meeting and we will be joined by the District Governor. As a reminder, the Rotary bowling party will be Friday, March 15th at 7:00 p.m. The Alumni Basketball game will be held at Le Roy High School on March 22nd. The Easter Egg Hunt will be on April 23rd at Hartwood Park. Mary Young will be submitting the Rotary Grant proposal for assisting Leroy Town pool. There are several service opportunities coming up. Alumni basketball game needs volunteers to sell 50/50 tickets, Easter egg hunt- eggs are filled but will need help the day of the event, Community Kitchen next Tuesday (3/12th), and Career Day at LeRoy High School on March 26th and April 29th. Several birthdays were recognized; Andy Rich, Mary Margaret Ripley, Mary Young, Tom McGinnis, Bob Sullivan, and Christine Gephardt. Members gave a beautiful rendition of “Home on the Range”. Andy Rich and Mike Tucci had missed meetings but make-ups and green cards were offered. Fines included President Jim Ellison for not publically thanking Mary Young for running last week’s meeting. Mary Margaret Ripley for her 7-year Rotary anniversary, Andy Rich for a commercial he starred in, Mike Tucci’s post showing his adorable daughter on Facebook, Mary Young was fined but President Jim paid her debt, Betsy Halvorsen for participating in Leadership Genesee, Bob Sullivan for a picture President Jim found of him, and Lynn Belluscio for receiving her 30th Annual Rotary Appliance Raffle T-shirt. Tim Moag introduced his guests, Chris and Sarah Noble of Noblehurst Farms and Craig's Creamery. Chris shared the process of preparing local cheese and Sarah passed out samples of their delicious products. Chris stated they make 50,000 pounds of cheese daily. Craig’s Creamery employs 27 people and is in York, NY. It took two years to create their brand and they are working on having their product sold in Tops and Wegmans. The meeting was concluded by thanking the Noble’s for their presentation and samples. Remember to “like” them on Facebook: “Rotary Club of LeRoy”, Or visit leroyrotary. org. Le Roy Central School District Bus Purchase Public Vote March 19, 2019 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. in the Wolcott Street School Media Center PROPOSITION 1 Le Roy Central School residents are being asked to authorize the district to borrow money for the purchase of new school busses in an amount not to exceed $370,000. This dollar amount would purchase three (3) full size 65 passenger school busses equipped with a two-way radio and a video surveillance system, one (1) 16-passenger mini bus with interior surveillance equipment and two-way radio package. These purchases will replace existing vehicles. Le Roy Central School District has implemented a 10-year replacement cycle for all school busses. This replacement cycle is based on a history of mileage and usage. The District has found that maintenance costs, body repairs, rust damage and safety issues increase significantly once a bus reaches approximately 10 years of age, particularly as school busses must pass New York State D.O.T. inspections twice a year. Additionally, the strain of typical driving patterns create a faster wear on busses as an average school bus makes an approximately 100 stops and starts during a single day. All public schools in NewYork State receive a reimbursement from NewYork State for such school bus purchases over a 5 year period. Le Roy Central School District’s reimbursement ratio is currently 87%, thus the taxpayers would be responsible for the remaining 13%. The District’s plan is to borrow these funds to align the debt repayment with the reimbursement period. What Does This Mean for Taxpayers? Cost of 4 Busses: $370,000 NYS Reimbursement at 87%: ($321,900) Local Cost of 4 Busses: $48.100 The total Le Roy taxpayer cost would be $48,100 for this proposition, which when divided over a five year payback period is approximately $9,620 per year from the General Fund Budget. When this amount is then divided into the assessment value total for the entire District, each taxpayer will pay approximately two and a quarter cents per thousand dollars assessed value each year. In other words, if your home is assessed for $100,000 you would pay less than $2.25 a year for this proposition. If we factor in the salvage value of the old busses, this amount is even less each year. Missing Something? Over Achieving Office Wear! EMBROIDERY Dress Shirts, Polos, Vests, Hats, Jackets, Etc. 1 Church St. LeRoy, NY 14482 585.768.2201 www.lpgraphics.net