LeRoy Pennysaver & News
LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 LEROYPENNYSAVER&NEWS -APRIL 28,2013 LeRoy'sBestAdvertisingMedium FREECOMMUNITYPAPERSOFNEWYORK Visit us at: www.leroyny.com Phone 585-76 8-2201•Fax585-768-63 34 www.cedarstreetonline.com Owned&OperatedByYourFriends&NeighborsSince1993. 111CedarStreet•Batavia,NY14020•585-343-4899•www.cedarstreetonline.com WinterHours Now InEffect Mon.-Fri.8-5:00,Sat.8-2 PIZZA •SUBS •WINGS •PASTA LEROY 110W.MAIN STREET 768 -4500 WEDELIVER HOURS:Mon.-Thurs.11a.m.-11p.m. Fri.&Sat.11a.m.-12Midnight - OPENINGSundays,Noon -11p.m. MondaySpecial LargeCheesePizza + 1Topping $10.99 + tax Not validwithotheroffers. Expires5-19-13 www.ficarellaspizzaleroy.com PartyDeal $ 43 99 + tax Expires5-19-13 Not validwith other offers.Pleasemention couponwhen ordering.Taxnot included. FamilyDeal 16"LargeCheesePizza w/1Topping,24BuffaloWings OR 32NEW BonelessWings &2LiterPop $ 27 99 + tax Expires 5-19-13 Not validwith other offers.Pleasemention couponwhen ordering.Taxnot included. Coupon goodatLeRoy store only. MealDeal 13"MediumCheesePizza w/1Topping,12BuffaloWings OR 16NEW BonelessWings &2LiterPop $ 19 99 + tax Expires 5-19-13 Notvalidwith otheroffers.Pleasemention couponwhen ordering.Taxnot included. CoupongoodatLeRoy store only. 1SheetPizza,Cheese&1Topping, Bucketof 50BuffaloWingsOR 64BonelessWings&2LitersofPop Haddock FishFry $ 9.25 VOLUME 79 NO.20 APRIL28, 2013 Friday,April26th PlantATree The helpfulplace. AMISHFURNITURE AtCROCKER'S! WEHAVE THE NEW TABLE FORYOUR BACKYARD PARTY! Graduation Parties, HolidayParties (4th ofJuly),SummerParties, AnyParty.Wehave the tables&benches for you,an awesomeaddition to yourdeck,patio orbackyard! Party Deal $ 55 50 + tax Expires 9-25-19 Not valid with other offers. Please mention coupon when ordering. Tax not included. Coupon good at LeRoy store only. Family Deal 16" Large Cheese Pizza w/1 Topping, 24 Buffalo Wings OR 32 NEW Boneless Wings & 2 Liter Pop $ 35 50 + tax Expires 9-25-19 Not valid with other offers. Please mention coupon when ordering. Tax not included. Coupon good at LeRoy store only. Meal Deal 13" Medium Cheese Pizza w/1 Topping, 12 Buffalo Wings OR 16 NEW Boneless Wings & 2 Liter Pop $ 24 70 + tax Expires 9-25-19 Not valid with other offers. Please mention coupon when ordering. Tax not included. Coupon good at LeRoy store only. 1 Sheet Pizza, Cheese & 1 Topping, Bucket of 50 Buffalo Wings OR 64 Boneless Wings & 2 Liters of Pop P IZZA • SUBS • WI NGS • PAST A W E D E L I V E R OPEN Monday−Thursday................................. 11 am−11 pm OPEN Friday−Saturday..................................... 11 am−12 pm OPEN Sundays.................................................... Noon−11pm Monday Special Large Cheese Pizza + 1 Topping $14.49 + tax Expires 9-25-19 www.pastorespizza.com HADDOCK FISH FRY $ 1 1 . 9 9 110W. MAIN ST. LEROY 768-4500 VOLUME 85 NO. 38 SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 LeRoy Pennysaver & News • www.leroyny.com Phone 585-768-2201 • Fax 585-768-6334 FREECOMMUNITYPAPERSOFNEWYORK Cedar Street Sales and Rental 111 Cedar Street Batavia, New York 14020 www.cedarstreetonline.com 5853434899 Free Test Drives Every Day in Our Test Drive Park! Cedar Street Sales and Rental 111 Cedar Street Batavia, New York 14020 www.cedarstreetonline.com 5853434899 Free Test Drives Every Day in Our Test Drive Park! Cedar Street Sales and Rental 111 Cedar Street Batavia, New York 14020 www.cedarstreetonline.com 5853434899 Free Test Drives Every Day in Our Test Drive Park! 111 Cedar Street · Batavia, NY 585-343-4899 www.cedarstreetaline.com Owned & Operated By Your Friends & Neighbors Since 1993. 111CedarSt. • Batavia,NY • 585-343-4899 • www.cedarstreetonline.com HOURS: M-F 7:00am - 5:30pm Sat 7:00am - 4:00pm Le Roy's Best Advertising Medium Hours: M-F 7:30-8:00, Sat., 8:30-6:00 Sun. 9:00-5:00 Le Roy, NY 768-2360 acehardware.com • crockers@rochester.rr.com Celebrating 50 Years of Business in LeRoy! 50 % OFF AMISH FURNITURE STARTING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST OPEN MONDAY LABOR DAY FROM 9-5 HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE LABOR DAY WEEKEND 50% OFF! Sun., Sept. 1st Only while supplies last!
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