LeRoy Pennysaver & News
LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - SEPTEMBER 15, 2019 FREE *Advertiser must reside in our delivery area. Commercial classifieds not eligible. Up to 20 words/ad. Limit of 1 ad per week per advertiser. 10 additional words for $1.00. Box ad, additional $1.00. Ads must be submitted by e-mail to ads@leroyny.com E-mail must include your name, address and telephone number whether or not that information is included in the ad. Contact our office for further details. Offer is limited and may be canceled at any time without prior notice. LeRoy Pennysaver reserves the right to refuse any ad. LeRoy Pennysaver & News, will run your classified ad FOR FREE Both in Print and Online BUY OR SELL IT FOR FREE CLASSIFIED ADS*
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