LeRoy Pennysaver & News
LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - SEPTEMBER 15, 2019 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets Monday evenings at the LeRoy Presbyterian Church, corner of Clay & Main Streets. Doors open at 6:00 pm and meeting is from 6:15-7:15 pm. Visitors are always welcome. Call 585- 768-2933 for more information. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Grace's Closet: A clothing giveaway at LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 TrigonPark,LeRoyNY Clothingforallages infantsthroughadults.Donations can be dropped off inside on the back porch of the house next to church. PLEASE NO electronics,TV'S, household items, large baby furniture. Hours: TUESDAY'S 5-6:30P & THURSDAY'S 9:30-11:30AM. Contact 768-8980 for questions. Thrift Shop First Presbyterian Church Basement, Main & Clay St. Tuesday 10-12 noon & 4-6:00 pm; Saturday 10-12. Use entrance across from McDonald’s.Parking lot.Household items, linens,tools,toysetc.Donations acceptedMonday,Wednesday&Thursday9-noonbyphoning768-8700. No clothes, electronics, large furniture or appliances. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 “CommunityTogether inPrayer”attheHopeCenterofLeRoy(42MainStreet) from9am-10am. Wemeetonceamonth (firstWednesday) foronehour to prayforourchildren,schoolsandcommunity. Weareanondenominational Christian group of people coming together to pray for our families, school district, community and country. No concern is tooo big or smal to pray for. For further information, please call the Hope Center at 768-8184. Euchre - At the LeRoy American Legion. EveryWednesday evening at 7pm. New format. Finishing by 9:30pm. The Le Roy Stafford Senior Citizens meet on the third Wednesday of each month March through December.. We meet in the Knights of Columbus Hall behind Save-A-Lot on West Main St. in Le Roy. Bring a generous dish to pass. Coffee, tea, condiments and dessert are provided. Bring your own place setting and a beverage of your choice. Dinner is served promptly at 6:00pm followed by a program. Our program for September 18th will be Old Cowboys New Raines, a country and bluegrass band. If you have any questions, please contact Rosemary Miller at 506-5233 or Sharon Frost @ 768-6846. Hope to see you there. OurmonthlymeetingoftheGeneseeValleyCivilWarRoundtablewillbeheld on September 18th at 7pm at the Pavilion United Methodist Church at the cornerof routes19&63 inPavilion.Ourguestspeaker isCivilWar reenactor andpresenterThomasSchobertportrayingWilliamG.Fargo,mayorofBuffalo during the CivilWar. Handicap accessible. Everyone welcome. AlzheimerAssociationCaregiverSupportGroupmeeting,3rd Wednesday (September 18) at 7:00 p.m. – *NEW LOCATION* First Presbyterian Church,300E.MainStreet,Batavia.3rdThursday (September19)at1:00 p.m. – Genesee County Office for the Aging, 12 Bank Street in Batavia. 2nd Monday (September 9) at 2:00 p.m. – The Greens of LeRoy, 1 West Avenue in LeRoy THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 The Sewing Bee. Free sewing classes for adults and children ages 12 and above. WemeetweeklyonThursdaymorningsat theHopeCenterofLeRoy at 42 Main St from 10:00 to 12:00. New members are welcome. Please contact us at (585) 768-8184 for more information. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Toddler/Preschool Storytime will run Fridays at 10:30am beginning Sept 13th at the Byron-Bergen Public Library. Join Miss Bailey for stories, a craft anda treat! Forages2-5,butyoungerchildrenarewelcomewithaparent/ guardian. Registration appreciated. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 TurkeyDinnerAtRigaChurch,Sept.21.Servingbeginsat4PM,atRigaChurch 7057 Chili-Riga Cntr. Rd. (Rt.33A@Rt.36) Churchville. Turkey with all the scratch stuffing, gravy, potato, veggies & pie.Take outs are available. Foodlink!Third Saturday of each month 11 am to 1 pm. Food, clothes, and shoes all free. All are welcome. Mill Street parking lot. UPCOMING EVENTS Volunteers needed to serve older adults in the LeRoy area to transport for out-of-county medical appointments and deliver meals on wheels in the Village of LeRoy. Please contact Genesee County Office for the Aging RSVP Volunteer Placement Program. (585) 343-1611 Foodlink Free Mobile Food Pantry: Morganville United Church of Christ is partnering with Foodlink of Rochester to host a free mobile food pantry, Tuesday, September 24, 3:30-5:30 pm at Morganville United Church of Christ, 8466 Morganville Road (off Rt 237, 1 mile north of Stafford). The exact food itemsandquantityavailablearenotknown,but freshproduce will be available. Must be 18 years of age, no income requirement or ID required. Mustprovideownbags/vehicletotransport itemstoyourhome. Food provided on a first come, first serve basis while supplies last. If you arepickingup foranother family,youmusthavewrittenpermission from them including # in household. Stafford United Methodist Church, 6134 Main Road (Route 5), Stafford. Chicken & Biscuit Dinner,Thursday, September 26th, take outs available 4:30 pm, serving 5:00 pm until sold out. Menu: Chicken & Biscuits, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Cabbage Salad, Cranberry Sauce, Homemade Desserts and Beverages. Stafford United Methodist Church, 6134 Main Road (Route 5), Stafford. Chicken & Biscuit Dinner,Thursday, September 26th, take outs available 4:30 pm, serving 5:00 pm until sold out. Menu: Chicken & Biscuits, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Cabbage Salad, Cranberry Sauce, Homemade Desserts and Beverages. The Le Roy Stafford Senior Citizens are planning a trip forTuesday, October 15th, 2019. The trip will include round trip motor coach transportation, a train ride originating in Medina, shopping at Watt Farms Country Market, lunch and show at Tillman's Historic Village Inn, wine tasting at Leonard OakesEstateWineryandafinalstopatMiller'sBulkFood&Bakery.Payment infull isduebySeptember30th. Makeyourreservationsassoonaspossible. Foodlink!Third Saturday of each month 11 am to 1 pm. Food clothes and shoes. All free, all are welcome. Mill Street parking lot. Mary Immaculate Parish invites you to our ANNUAL St. Mary’s CHURCH BREAKFKASTonSunday,October20th,2019 from8am–NoonatPavilion Firemen’s Recreation Hall, Rte. 19, Pavilion, NY. The ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST is serving; any style eggs, hash browns, ham, Monks Bread Toast, fresh fruit, juice, milk, coffee, & tea. Community Calendar Submissions should be sent to: c a l enda r@l e r oyny. c om WEEKLY EVENTS All Genesee County residents, 60 and older, can take part in this week’s activities at the Batavia Senior Center, 2 Bank St. , Batavia . For more information, call 343-1611 Monday:Arthritis Exercise is scheduled to begin at 9:30 am. A Representative fromUnivera will be available from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Bridge is scheduled to begin at 11:00 am. Tuesday: Cribbage is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. Wednesday: Quilters is scheduled to begin at 9:00 am. Euchre is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. Thursday: Cribbage is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. Bridge is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. Friday: Art Class is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am. Line Dancing is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am. Euchre is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm. SENIOR CITIZENSACTIVITIES SEPTEMBER 16 - 20 OBITUARIES LEROY - Beverly J. Smith, age 79, of Myrtle Street, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday morning (August 25, 2019) at UnitedMemorial Medical Center in Batavia. In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 22478' Oklahoma City, OK 73123. STAFFORD - Inez M. Tiede, age 92, of E. Bethany-LeRoy Road, passed awayMonday evening, August 26, 2019. Memorial contributions are suggested to the First Presbyterian Church of LeRoy, 7 Clay Street, LeRoy, NY 14482. LEROY- Trevor M. Breemes, age 4, gained his angel wings on Wednesday, August 28, 2019. In lieu of flowers, contributions in memory of Trevor are suggested to AutismUp, 855 Publishers Pkwy, Webster, N.Y. 14580 (www.autismup.org )
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