LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - MAY 9, 2021 LEROY ROTARY COMMUNITY KITCHEN - We serve dinner every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month starting at 4:30 until 5:45. Free hot meal and groceries are handed out for anyone in need. Our Lady of Mercy Parish, 44 Lake St. LEROY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Chicken BBQ May, 18. Drive Thru at Trigon Park. 11AM - Sold out. THRIFT SHOP, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BASEMENT - Main & Clay St. opening May 4th 2021. Hrs: Tuesday 10a-12p & 4-6p. Saturday10a-12p. Masks are required. GRACE'S CLOSET - A clothing giveaway at LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park, LeRoy NY clothing for all ages infants through adults. Tuesday 5:30-630p & Thursday's 9:30-11:30a. Contact 768- 8980. Adults only at this time. COMMUNITY GARDENS VIEWING AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Rt 5 and 19. May 15, 11:30 to 1:00. For more information please call Deb 585-506-2424. LINWOOD GARDENS- 2021 Tree Peony FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS May 8 & 9, 15 & 16, 22 & 23. All details on www.linwoodgardens.org BYRON FIRE HALL CHICKEN BBQ - Memorial Day (Drive-thru) Chicken BBQ. Byron Fire Hall of Rt 262 , on Monday, May 31 at 11:30 until sold out. Current social distancing and mask regulations will be in effect. WOODWARD MEMORIAL LIBRARY - The Woodward Memorial Library Board of Trustees will be meeting onWednesday, May 12 at 5:00 pm in the Library. Submitted by Carol Wolfe The Town and Country Garden Club of Le Roy has elected their officers for 2021-2022. Sitting: Charlene Ray (Treasurer), Lucy MacKenzie (Recording Secretary), Kathy Weber (Vice President), Donna Jones (Corresponding Secretary). Standing: Linda Smith (Co-President), and Rita Wallace (Co-President).The officers have wonderful events planned. The members are looking forward to an interesting and enjoyable year. The Town and Country Garden Club of LeRoy Submitted by Judy Mills Women of the Le Roy Moose Chapter 370, deliver to Wings Flights for Hope, 2 dozen Rainbow Moose's donated by Shirley Schutt, in memory of her husband Clyde Schutt, and a $500.00 check donated by the Women of the Moose. You can follow Wings Flights for Hope on Facebook, this organization depends on donations to fly anyone for medical treatment. Women of the LeRoy Moose Chapter 370 CUSTOMIZED T-SHIRTS • HATS • JACKETS • TOWELS EMBROIDERY MAKES GREAT GIFTS FOR YOUR FAMILY • FRIENDS • ETC. 1 Church St. | LeRoy, NY 14482 | 768-2201 | www.lpgraphics.net