LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - MAY 9, 2021 The Genesee County Sheriff's Office is offering notice to the public concerning asphalt paving and sealing scams. As the weather warms, driveway sealing and paving season will soon begin. Residents should be cautious if they are solicited by who appears to be a contractor offering to pave or seal their driveway. This scam generally begins with an unsolicited offer by a contractor who claims to have leftover or extra asphalt/sealer from another job in the neighborhood and will then offer to pave the homeowner's driveway at a discounted rate. The contractor will make the deal sound too good to be true and will pressure the resident to make a quick decision agreeing for the work being done which then often leads to a different price on the final bill, which is higher than what was originally agreed to. These scammers tend to use a sub-par product and poor application methods resulting in an overpriced unreliable job. The Sheriff's Office has fielded one recent complaint within Genesee County of such activity. During the reported incident, the homeowner was suspicious and denied the scammers offer. There are many reputable contractors which do offer legitimate paving/ sealing services. The Sheriff's Office would like residents to be aware of this scam and to exercise good judgement if solicited for such services. Genesee County residents should contact our office should they become aware of such activity in their neighborhood, (585) 343-5000 non-emergency or 911 in case of an emergency. The Genesee County Sheriff's Office Notice The LeRoy United Methodist Church Drive-Thru Only Chicken BBQ Tuesday, May 18th from 4 pm till sold out. This will be held in front of the church on Trigon Park in the Village of LeRoy. Reservations are requested at 585-786-8980 or 585-356-6656. Exact change or check made out to LeRoy UMC is requested. See you there! Menu ½ BBQ Chicken Salt Potatoes Macaroni Salad Roll & Cookie All for $12. 585.768.2201 · www.leroyny.com office@leroyny.com Advertise your local business in the LeRoy Pennysaver!