LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - JULY 10, 2022 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 32ND ANNUAL Events Running Both Days: 10:00-5:00 Mini-Ark Petting Zoo 10:00-5:00 Mechanical Bull 10:00-5:00 Rock Wall 10:00-5:00 Mr. Scribbles 10:00-5:00 Boot Camp Challenge 10:00-5:00 22’ Two Lane Slide 1:00-4:00 Balloon’s with a Twist 1:00 K-9 Demonstration (near gazebo) 3:00 K-9 Demonstration (near gazebo) LeRoy House & Jell-O Museum - FREE Admission 12-4 pm Both Days! All Kids Activities Are FREE! ∙ www.oatkafestival.org SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10AM - 5PM PARADE AT 11AM ON SATURDAY Saturday, July 16: 10:00-5:00 Festival Site Open—Food, Crafts, Entertainment 10:00-5:00 Woodward Memorial Library’s Used Book Sale 11:00 Oatka Festival Parade on Rt. 5, Main Street 12:30-2:30 Music Under the Tent: MAC 3:00-5:00 Music Under the Tent: Songbirds-Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band 5:00 50-50 Drawing for $500 Sunday, July 17: 10:00-5:00 Festival Site Open—Food, Crafts, Entertainment 11:00-3:00 Cruise in Car Show 11:00-12:00 Music Under the Tent: Good Knights and Knightengals 12:00-2:30 Music Under the Tent: Old Hippies 3:00-5:00 Music Under the Tent: Don Newcomb Band 5:00 Annual Duck Derby 5:00 50-50 Grand Prize Drawing JULY 16 & 17, 2022 LEROY, NY