LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - NOVEMBER 27, 2022 LEROY COMMUNITY KITCHEN - The November Pop up Pantry and dinner will be held on November 29th. The December Pop up Pantry and dinner will be held on Tuesday December 13th. There will not be a dinner on December 27th. Normal schedule will resume in January; Free dinners on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month and Pop up Pantry on the 4th Tuesday of the month. THRIFT SHOP - At the First Presbyterian Church basement. Main & Clay St. LeRoy. Tuesdays 10-noon, & 4-5:30 pm, Saturdays 10-noon. Stop by to browse, many nice items. Donations accepted by phoning 768-8700 or by appointment 356-6362 TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) - Meets every Monday at 5:00 at the First Presbyterian Church in LeRoy. Call 585-768-8611 for more information. LEROY FOOD PANTRY - 10AM - 12PM. Monday - Thursday in the basement of the LeRoy Town Hall. LEROY-STAFFORD SENIOR CITIZENS Christmas Luncheon will be onWednesday, December 7th, 2022 12:30 PM at the Knights of Columbus. RESERVATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED GRACE'S CLOSET - A clothing giveaway at LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park, LeRoy NY. Clothing for all ages infants through adults. Tuesday 5:00-630p & Thursday's 9:3011:30a. Contact 768-8980. Use rear entrance on West side of building. LEROY PANTRY - Appointments for Christmas pickup are now being scheduled. Call 585-768-4559. SANTA’S SLEIGH - Photos for kids of all ages on Friday, December 2 from 6:00-8:00 pm and Saturday, December 3 from 2:00-5:00 pm. at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 1 East Main St. LeRoy. Appointments required. Information available at https://stmarksleroy.org/upcoming-events/. CHRISTMAS HYMN SING - Morganville United Church of Christ will host an old fashioned Christmas Hymn Sing on Sunday, December 4, at 3:00 pm. The church is located at 8466 Morganville Road in Stafford. Rent To Own 4 Mobile Home Units available at Oatka Creek MHP - 2 Black Creek MHP - 2 Call (585) 738-0953 for details C L A S S I F I E D S O B I T U A R I E S Marjorie M. Barnden, 83, Pavilion/LeRoy, passed away on Nov. 9, 2022, while under the loving care of her family. She will be missed by her family and friends. Carmella A. Say, 54, LeRoy, passed away on Nov. 15, 2022 at Rochester General Hospital. She will be missed by her family and friends. Regina (Van Alst) Steen, 94, LeRoy, passed peacefully on November 16, 2022. Memorials are kindly suggested to LeRoy Ambulance Service, P.O. Box 56, LeRoy, NY 14482. June Kanaley, 92, LeRoy, passed away on November 18, 2022. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or the Epilepsy Foundation of America. Virginia G. Mancuso, 96, LeRoy, passed away on November 20, 2022 at the LeRoy Village Green Nursing Home. She will be missed by her family and friends.