LeRoy Pennysaver & News

LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - MARCH 12, 2023 Rent To Own 4 Mobile Home Units available at Oatka Creek MHP - 2 Black Creek MHP - 2 Call (585) 738-0953 for details LEROY COMMUNITY KITCHEN - Free dinners on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month and Pop up Pantry on the 4th Tuesday of the month. TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) - Meets every Monday at 5:00 at the First Presbyterian Church in LeRoy. Call 585-768-8611 for more information. GRACE'S CLOSET - A clothing giveaway at LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park, LeRoy NY. Clothing for all ages infants through adults. Tuesday 5:00-630p & Thursday's 9:30-11:30a. Contact 7688980. Use rear entrance onWest side of building. “MUSIC AT ST. MARK’S” - A free monthly concert series at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 1 East Main St., LeRoy on Thursday, March 16 at 7:00 pm. More information at stmarksleroy.org or by emailing stmarksleroy@gmail.com. LEROY FOOD PANTRY - 10AM - 12PM. Monday - Thursday in the basement of the LeRoy Town Hall. THE HOPE CENTER OF LEROY Ladies' Group, located at 42 Main Street, LeRoy,will be having a Bible/book study on Monday nights from 6:008:00pm. To register, please contact us at (585) 768-8184 or info@hopecenterleroy.org HAM AND SCALLOPED POTATOES DINNER March 25, 4-6 pm at the Morganville United Church of Christ, 8466 Morganville Road, Stafford. For tickets call 585-757-2257. MOTHER TERESA OUTREACH - Our Lady of Mercy Parish Center. 44 Lake St. LeRoy. Saturday, March 25, 2023 from 12-2PM. Providing non-food essential items to those in our community who are in need. LEROY-STAFFORD SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCHEON - Will be resuming onWednesday March 15th at12:30PM. NEW LOCATION: Our Lady of Mercy Parish Center, 44 Lake Street, LeRoy NY. Contact Rosemary (585)506-5233, Lucy (585)7216073 or Sue(585)861-0422. THE HOPE CENTER OF LEROY - located at 42 Main Street will be starting another GriefShare Support Group,Thursday afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, now through May 25th. For more information or to register, please call Mari-Lee Ruddy, at (716) 861-5645. C L A S S I F I E D S