LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - JUNE 11, 2023 TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) - Meets every Monday at 5:00 at the First Presbyterian Church in LeRoy. Call 585-356-4252 for more information. LEROY FOOD PANTRY - 10AM - 12PM. Monday - Thursday in the basement of the LeRoy Town Hall. GRACE'S CLOSET - A clothing giveaway at LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park, LeRoy NY. Clothing for all ages infants through adults. Tuesday 5:00-630p & Thursday's 9:30-11:30a. Contact 768-8980. Use rear entrance onWest side of building. GENESEE AREA GENEALOGISTS - Will be holding their next meeting on Tuesday June 20 at 7pm at the Holland Land Office Museum in Batavia. LEROY-STAFFORD SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCHEON - Will be on the thirdWednesday of each month at 12:30pm. NEW LOCATION: Our Lady of Mercy Parish Center, 44 Lake Street, LeRoy NY. Contact Rosemary (585)506-5233, Lucy (585)721-6073 or Sue(585)8610422. THRIFT SHOP - At the First Presbyterian Church basement. Main & Clay St. LeRoy. Tuesdays 10-noon, & 4-5:30pm, Saturdays 10-noon. Donations accepted by phoning 768-8700 or by appointment 585-356-6362. GENESEE VALLEY CIVIL WAR ROUNDTABLE - Will meet Wednesday June 21 at 7 pm at the Pavilion United Methodist Church at the corner of 63 & 19 in Pavilion. WOODWARD MEMORIAL LIBRARY Board of Trustees will be meeting on Tuesday, June 13 at 5:00 pm in the Library. Please note this meeting has been moved from Wednesday to Tuesday for this month only.