The March 3, 2014 meeting was called to order by President Bob Bennett at 5:30
with the
Pledge of Allegiance
. Jim Nielsen and Bill Kettle made a motion to accept
the Treasurer’s Report. This motion carried.
Phillip Borrelli and Jason Yotts, from Preservation Studios, were our guest speak-
ers. They outlined how to access historic tax credits. This was very informative and
there was a handout. Anyone with a building on the registry can take advantage of
the tax credits, even LLCs. If you were not able to attend and would like further
information please contact Jennifer Keys at
Martha Bailey shared that the Rotary Book Drive is coming up in June. Book
donations can be dropped off at TAM Associates or The Bank of Castile in Le Roy.
Jim Nielsen shared that the Masonic Community Center will be selling fish fries on
Fridays during Lent, 4:30 until they are out. The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on
April 19th at Hartwood Park. Volunteers will gather to stuff the eggs on Saturday,
April 12th at 9:00 a.m. at the Moose. Martha Bailey will again Chair the Golf
Tournament Committee. This will be held in September again.
Jennifer Keys updated that the new radio system went live for the county and
that we can no longer listen in while emergency responders are on a call without
new equipment. She also updated that it is Election and Budget time. There were
suggestions regarding landscaping the vacant corner on Routes 5 and 19.
Supervisor Barbeau updated that the Town has begun the process of reviewing
their comprehensive plan. They intend to share it with LBC for their input when
they have a draft. GCEDC is waiting for three things in order to move forward with
their project on West Bergen and Route 19. One of those things was a commitment
from National Grid which recently came through. Another is the Village setting a
sewer rate, which is in the works. The final is an updated site review.
Due to committee assignment changes Legislator Stein is not currently able to
attend LBC meetings on a regular basis, but is always available via email, RStein@
co.genesee.ny.us, or by telephone, 768-7760. She updated via email that due to the
feedback from the community at the Public Forum the State will simply resurface
Route 5 this summer, rather than engage in the original plan of lane reductions
and bike lanes. The County is looking for a long term plan for the County nursing
home. Three new committees have been formed and she has been assigned to the
communications and education committee. The County is also looking to cut costs
through shared services for the housing of inmates, asking the Governor to fully fund
Medicaid programs offered by the State, and the DOT to maintain its infrastructure
rather than reducing weight limits on county roads and bridges, which increases
shipment costs due to longer routes traveled.
Our next meeting will be at the Moose on April 7th at 5:30. Jim Nielsen and Tom
McGinnis made a motion to adjourn at 6:11. It carried.
LBC Minutes
by Greg “Porp” Rogers
With another Village Election
in the books, I would first like to
say that all candidates handled
the campaigning with extreme
class and dignity and that is what
makes LeRoy a special place
to live.
Congratulations to Bob Taylor
and Bill Kettle on their success-
ful win as Trustees. My Board
members and I look forward to
working with both of you to lead
our Village into the future while
protecting the charm. It was great
to see a former Trustee like John
Mangefrida wish to come back
and serve, some LeRoyans can
never give enough, thanks for the
effort Mange.
Lastly, Jennifer Keys was
unsuccessful in her bid to be
re-elected, but not unsuccessful
in her efforts as a Board member.
Jennifer was VERY instrumental
in LeRoy having a community
pool, her dogged determination
and follow through and to buck
the Board until the pool became
a reality. The children of LeRoy
will reap this benefit for years to
come. Along with that, Jennifer
was always an advocate for Main
St. and the Farmers’ Market, her
enthusiasm, knowledge and work
ethic will be sadly missed but not
The new board will begin the
budget process in the upcoming
weeks, this year will be extremely
challenging, as we experienced
some revenue losses as well as in-
creases in our employee’s health
care benefits, but through it all we
intend to keep any increase in the
tax rate at a minimum.
By the way this was the first
week since Thanksgiving that we
have not had a snow plow out.
“Speak when you are angry and
you will make the best speech
you’ll ever regret”
Laurence J. Peters
Notes From The Mayor's Office