Issue 1-18-15 Website - page 15

1ChurchSt., LeRoy, NY14482
FAX 585-768-6334
01/13/2015 -TheLeRoyPoliceDepartment isadvisingall residenc-
esofasudden increase invehicle thefts in theVillageofLeRoy.Three
vehicles have been stolen since January 7th, 2015, from different
locations in the Village and even though all have been recovered,
two have sustained significant damage. It is suspected that all three
stolenvehiclesmaybe related todruguse.Themethodbeingused is
the suspectwillwait inanarea for aperson todriveupandpark their
vehiclebut leaving it unlocked and runningdue to the coldweather.
The suspect will wait until the driver enters a store out of eyesight
and then enter the unlocked vehicle and drive away.
The LeRoy Police Department is advising all citizens to please
not leave their vehicles runningwhile unoccupied and if theymust
leave it running, lock it and if there vehicle is stolen to please call
9-1-1 immediately.
One person has been arrested so far in relation to these thefts and
a future press releasewill be issued pertaining to such.
Notes -
(January 7, 2015)
The holidays are
now slowly fading
away in the rearview
mirror. The excite-
ment of the upcom-
ing year overcame
the bone chilling
cold and blister-
ing wind outside at
Wednesday’s meet-
ing. It also marked
the returnof visiting
LeRoyHigh School
seniors to our meet-
ings. Our young
guests were Alexa
Swan, each sharing
their thereplans for their futures.
From theBataviaRotaryClubwe
were joined byGaryChurchill.
One Birthday announcement
was made by Mary Margaret.
Chris Biviano was recognized
for his birthday and that itwould
be roundeddown to4 for at least
one more year. President Randy
once again asked for historical
information about our Club. If
anyonehas any interesting infor-
mation please drop it off at the
LeRoyHouse forLynne. Martha
announced the senior’s Valen-
tine’s Day Dance for February
14th at the American Legion (1
pm-4pm). TracyFord reminded
themembersof theupcomingSu-
per Bowl Rafflemore tickets are
available if needed. Sami Vagg
remindedus about theupcoming
communitymeeting in regards to
theLeRoyAmbulance inMarch.
TheClub and its newest mem-
berwere introducedbyPresident
Randy. Phil Weise, President
of Cal Branch and a resident of
Myrtle St. has joined the Rotary
family. After a brief ceremony,
the Club welcomed him with a
warm round of applause. Wel-
Missed meetings were ac-
knowledge by President Randy.
Chris Biviano, Tamara Torrey,
EricFix, JerryMcCullough,Tom
McGinnis, and Carol Wolfe all
werecitedwithmisses.Do toour
busyholiday seasonall hadvalid
The fining session began be
President Randy recognizing
David Grayson for 27 years
of “Service Above Self” and
promptlyfinedhim. EricFixwas
fined for not rememberingwhich
day of the weekWednesday fell
on. ATexas style finewas given
for Tamara Torrey having guests
in for theholidays from theLone
PartyDance contest was won by
TomMcGinnis, the prize was a
The week’s programwas giv-
en byMary Young on the topic
of Relay for Life. A valuable
fund-raiser for the American
Cancer Society. It features an
organized, overnight community
of each team take turns walking
around the track in a 12 hour
period. This year’s event will
take place at Hartwood Park on
August 8th and Rotary will be
sponsoring a team. For more
information please visit:
LikeusonFacebookat “Rotary
Club of LeRoy”
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