Conversation about the arts and entertainment scene
inGeneseeCounty andWesternNewYork,
includinghigh schoolmusicals, theatre andmore.
A fun filled hour of information and bantering between
HiramKasten andLucineKauffman
Listen on theWBTA ap,
streamed on theweb or on
your radio atWBTAAM 1490
New Program.
Talk of the Town.
EveryWednesday at 9am – 10am
byKimCox, Superintendent
of Schools
ingwarm. Thiswinter isproving
to be as difficult as last. While
perhaps not as cold, (although
it is today!) the unpredictability
has been challenging. Please
remember that making the de-
cision to close school involves
a variety of information and we
have to make the best decision
possibleby6:30a.m. InWestern
quickly, ashappened lastFriday.
If that occurs, wewill do every-
thingwe can to ensure students’
safety. In this case, a few buses
actually pulled off the road and
waited for thesnowband topass.
As always, it is your decision to
sendyour child to school. Ifyou
feel it isunsafe,pleasekeepyour
child home and alert the school
to this decision.No childwill be
charged with an illegal absence
in this circumstance.
Iamproud toannounce that the
Le Roy Central School District
hasbeennamed to the
by theCollege
to us for increasing the opportu-
nities, participation, and perfor-
manceofourstudents inadvance
placementcourses. Over thepast
courses and we have increased
ourparticipation in thesecourses
by109%!!! Wearepleased tobe
able to offer these opportunities
for our students. A big “thank
you” to the AP teachers, the Jr./
Sr. High School Administration,
thecounselingstaffand theentire
Le Roy Central School District
faculty and staff for helping our
childrengain theskillsandconfi-
dence tochallenge themselves to
engage in these rigorouscourses.
All students should take an AP
course, it’s a great experience!
selor formore information.
Next week the Governor will
release his draft budget, along
withhisStateof theStateaddress.
This is earlier thanwe have ever
had this information. We have
alreadybeenhard atworkon the
thathaving this informationearli-
er will aid in our planning.With
CommissionerJohnKing leaving
the StateEducationDepartment,
andGovernorCuomo’s increased
focusedoneducationalpolicy, as
well as funding,weareanticipat-
ing some interesting changes as
wemove into the next year.
Thank you for your continued
support of our students and our
Superintendent''s Column