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Happy blessed Holidays!!
From the Depot, Double L, and Barista staffs
Sophie Farnholz, a
French horn player at
LeRoy Central School,
has been selected to
perform in the All-State
Symphonic Band for
next weekend’s Con-
ference All-State con-
vention in Rochester.
Only the best 11th and
12th grade students are
selected to perform in
these ensembles, and
Sophie is the first instru-
mentalist from LeRoy
Central to be select-
ed for this honor since
1998. Sophie is current-
ly a junior.
To be admitted to an
All-State ensemble, stu-
dents must prepare a
level 6 NYSSMA solo with an
accompanist and perform it in
front a judge at a NYSSMA solo
festival. Typically, only level six
solos that score a 100 are admit-
ted to an All-State ensemble,
and even then, seniors are given
priority over juniors.
Sophie is extremely active and
high achieving student. Not only
is she a member of the Senior
High band and chorus, but Sophie
also takes the vocal jazz and mu-
sic history courses offered by the
LeRoy music department, partici-
pates in the Marching Band, Jr/Sr
High musical, the Jazz Band, the
Knightengales (a vocal swing en-
semble,) is a member of the Na-
tional Honor Society, the Interact
Club and plays on the school’s
tennis team. Outside of school,
Sophie sits principal chair in
the Hochstein Youth Symphony
Orchestra’s horn section and was
recently awarded the Gretchen
Snedeker Endowed Scholarship
which is given to students who
display commitment, dedication,
work ethic and musicianship.
Sophie takes private lessons on
French horn and piano and has
attended the Nazareth Summer
Piano Camp for three years now.
In college, Sophie is looking to
earn a degree in music therapy.
The concert is this coming Sun-
day, December 6th at 10:00am
in the Kodak Hall at Eastman
LeRoy Student To Perform
At Conference All-State