LeRoy Pennysaver & News - page 8

byStephenR. Barbeau
Supervisor,Town ofLeRoy
(585)768-6910 x 231
A littlechange thismonth from
the normal column. The Board
wishes toaddress thecommunity.
At our regular meeting of No-
vember12,2015, theTownBoard
unanimously voted to separate
from its current intermunicipal
agreement with theVillage for a
joint Zoning BoardOf Appeals.
The intent was to hold a Public
Hearing at our December 10,
2015meeting tocreateaseparate
Town-only ZBA (as in the past)
consisting of threemembers and
one alternate.
The Town Board took this ac-
tion because…….
1. It was certain the ZBAwill
hear the issue of holding public
concerts at a local campground
again because, according to a
judicial decision, their previous
processwas “fatallydefective.”
2. It isvery likely thepartywho
receives anunfavorabledecision
from the ZBA will litigate the
3. If there is litigation, the
Boardwishes to reduce the legal
exposure to theTownbyensuring
objectivity and impartiality that
a new zoningboard, withno ties
to any of the potential litigants,
would bring. We felt this would
best serve thecommunity’s inter-
ests and were poised to appoint
two gentlemen with significant
experience as Town officials
and great respect for being able
Town Supervisor Column
to tackle contentious issues in
an impartial manner- Mr. John
Rider andMr. RobertUberty.
However, this action was
challenged by the campground
and the judge ruled in their
favor. To comply, we cancelled
the Public Hearing. The current
ZBAmust hear the issue, again,
byDecember 18.
Let usmake it clear. The only
issue the Town Board has ever
beenconcernedwith, through its
decision by the Code Enforce-
ment Officer, and after exten-
sive legal research, is whether
the campground is permitted to
holdpublicconcerts at its camp-
ground. Neither the Board, nor
any individual member, stands
made.Wewish only to preserve
the integrityof theTownZoning
Code and tominimize legal ex-
posurebymaking surewhatever
decision is made is done so in
an appropriatemanner, contrary
to the first time. Apart from the
concert/campground issue, the
Board will continue to explore
the benefits a new Town-only
ZBAmight provide.
Switching toanother topic, the
Board received itssecondFEMA
check (from stormof 11/14) this
week in the amount of $7,400
(the application efforts certainly
paid off). This will go toward
futuresalt/fuelpurchases thatwe
hopewedon’thave tousefor two
moremonths! TheBoardwould
like towishyouall averyMerry
Christmas and agreat 2016! See
you at FirstNight!
Fax Service
1ChurchSt., LeRoy, NY • (585) 768-2201
OUR FAX # (585) 768-6334
Save The Date!
December 12th, 2015
Northwood’s SportsmanClub
8402GulfRoad • LeRoy, NY
From 9 am-11 am
Lots of
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