Age91, diedpeacefullyonSunday,December6, 2015, at theNewYorkStateVeterans’Home inBatavia,NewYork.
Hewas bornMarch 10, 1924, inEllicottville, NewYork, to the lateHenry andWinifredChristenaQuinnLowry. He
attendedEllicottvilleCentral School and enlisted in theArmyAir Corps inMay, 1942, training as a flight mechanic
andwhere he also learned tofly. Hewas honorably discharged in 1945with the rank of Sergeant.
Hemarried the loveofhis life,MarjorieJoanSidor,onJune10,1950.Theywenton to raise tenchildrenandwatched
with joy as each of the grandchildren arrived.Many happy family get-togethers took place at their home throughout
the years. The doorwas always open to family and friends, and therewere always extra seats at the dinner table. Bob
andMargewere happilymarried for 54 years until her death in 2004.
Bobworked formany years inmanufacturingmanagement and sales. Hewas a natural-born salesman. As an avid
photographer, one of his favorite jobs was working in the camera department at Blumenthal’s inOlean, NewYork.
He took hundreds of pictures of family and friends. An annual Christmas picture captured the love and closeness of
his ever-growing family and reflected the prideMarge and Bob had for their children. He also photographedmany
His lifelong interest inaviationandapassion forflying led toowninghisown small plane.Hegreatlyenjoyed taking
his children for rides and lessons.
Hewas amember of HolyName ofMaryChurch inEllicottville and served formany years as an usher and later,
as a lector.
Besides hiswife andparents, hewas preceded indeathbyhis brother,DanielWilliamLowry andhis sister,Marion
LowryHouse.He is survivedbyhis children,Denise (Donald)Peyser,Karen (James)Dills,Danette (David)Grayson,
Jamie (Germain) Scharf, Christina (Brad)Whitcomb, Jodie (Michael) Timkey, Daniel (AmyMiller) Lowry, Thomas
Lowry,Michael (LauraFiorella)Lowry,andMary(Gregg)Gifford,eighteengrandchildren,andfivegreat-grandchildren.
Visitationwill beheld atMentleyFuneralHome inLittleValley,NewYorkonThursday,December 10, 2015, from
2:00PM to4:00PMand7:00PM to9:00PM.AMassofChristianBurialwill beheldat 11:00AMonFriday,December
11, 2015, atHolyName ofMaryChurch inEllicottvillewithFatherRonMierzwa officiating.
In lieuofflowers,memorial donationsmaybemade to theEllicottvilleMemorialLibraryorEllicottvilleAmbulance
byKimCox, Superintendent
LeRoyCentral School
December is hard to recognize
with thebalmy temperatures and
bright sunshine, butwewill take
it! Studentsandstaffareworking
hard as we close out 2015 and
prepare for 2016.
Please note that we havemade
a change in our calendar for
January 29, 2016. Originallywe
had this day as a regular school
day for both staff and students.
January 29th is now going to
be a
staff only
day. Students
will not report on January 29th.
April 18, 2016
originally a staff only day, will
now be a
regular school day
for both staff and students. This
change is to accommodate some
training that is available to the
staff in January andnot inApril.
Thank you for understanding
this change.Wewill continue to
communicate this change tohelp
our families plan.
At the Le Roy Central School
ingonTuesday, January12,2016,
7:00 – 7:15 p.m. in the Board of
Education Conference room at
Trigon Park to provide informa-
tion and receive public comment
on the Real Property Law 485-a
exemption under consideration
for adoption by the district.
Hope you are all getting your
shoppingdone! Enjoy theweek-
end and be sure to check out the
districtwebsite formanyupcom-
ing events.
Superintendent ’ Column
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