LeRoy Pennysaver & News - page 4

YWCASeeksNominations forWomen ofDistinction
YWCA of Genesee County’s
is seeking nominations for those
outstanding people deserving of
one of sixWomenofDistinction
Awards this year.
Recipients will be honored
during the annual Women of
Distinction Awards Celebration
June 18 at Genesee Community
College, 1CollegeRd.
Local YWCA officials have
been striving to incorporate a
moredirect relationshipbetween
award recipients and the non-
profit’s endeavors, including the
vention Services program, Care
&Crisis Helpline, Children and
FamilyServices andHealthyRe-
lationships course in the schools.
Nomatter howbigor how small,
or whether it’s a man, woman,
youth or business, all of those
effortshave tremendouspotential
toassistwithourgoal toempower
women and eliminate racism.
These awards are one way
to publicly acknowledge the
good works of others that have
ultimately contributed to the
JeanneWalton said.
“Our agency has been mir-
roring YWCA USA in that it
is constantly evolving to meet
community needs and share its
strengths,” Walton said. “This
year thenationalorganization re-
leased anewbrand to emphasize
that we’re on amission. YWCA
of Genesee County’s mission is
to reach out towomen and fam-
ilies with our domestic violence
and childcare services while
recognizing that we can’t do it
AwardsCelebration isawonder-
ful way to give a nod of thanks
for the dedicated generosity of
our supporters.”
The selection committee is
looking fornominationsofwom-
en, companies andorganizations
in the following categories:
Racial Justice:
Supporting di-
versity throughone’s initiatives,
philosophies and/or programs.
This may include service in a
leadership role, with commit-
ment to racial justice and a high
standard of courage, integrity
and commitment to YWCA’s
mission toempowerwomenand
eliminate racism.
Economic Empowerment:
Helpingwomen to face the chal-
lenge of economic inequality
or hardship. This is done with
programsor initiatives thatcreate
opportunities for women to lift
themselves from their current
circumstances and gain more
options to improve their lives.
Corporate Social Responsibil-
ity: Making a continuous effort
to recruit, develop and promote
a diverse work force and foster
an inclusive environmentwhere
women leaders thrive.
A veteran or
relatedagency thathasworkedon
behalfofveteransandcontinues to
serve throughcivic,personal and/
or professional improvements.
Advocacy/Civic Engagement:
Working tomake a difference in
the civic life of our communities
and developing the combination
of knowledge, skills, values and
motivation to make that differ-
ence.Promoting thequalityof life
inacommunity, throughbothpo-
Striving to make the
ing the importance of kindness,
compassion and peace.
Nominations areduebyMarch
YWCA ofGeneseeCounty, 301
North St., Batavia, NY, 14020.
Please include your name and
contact information, the award
category,nameofnominee, some
backgroundandyour reasons for
nominating thisperson,organiza-
tion or business.
For more information, call
(585) 343-5808.
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