LeRoy Pennysaver & News - page 8

byKimM. Cox
Superintendent of Schools
Asspringapproaches, it isgetting
very busy at the Le Roy Central
School District. Between 2016-17
budgetdesign, theplanning for the
spring construction schedule for
the R.I.T.E project, and numerous
activities at eachbuilding, there is
never a dullmoment!
I hope youwere able to attend
AddamsFamily”.As is usual for
ourmusicalproductions the talent
of our students, staff, and com-
munity members truly shines.
Congratulations, and thank you
to the Le Roy Central School
District Music Department for
their commitment andhardwork
that goes into these outstanding
productions year after year.
“PARP” (Parents as Reading
Partners) Month just concluded
at theWolcott Street Schoolwith
agreat festival andcelebrationof
reading last Friday. Remember,
justbecausePARPmonth isover,
it is important to keep reading. I
also want to recognize theWSS
tabeneand JenMcClurg for their
efforts inmaking this happen.
TheBoardofEducationand the
Administration continue to draft
the 2016-17 school budget. For
the past several years we have
dealt with the GAP elimination
adjustment (GEA),aflawedfoun-
property tax cap formula. Still,
despite thesechallenges,wehave
been able to continue to develop
responsiblebudgets that have al-
lowedus to realignour resources
to make substantive changes to
our programs.
Each year the legislators and
the Governor release school aid
runs that give districts an ap-
proximate idea of howmuch aid
we can expect for the upcoming
school year. You might recall
last year we did not receive this
information and were basically
building our budget blindfolded.
This year, the good news is that
receive the state aid runs
anceonexpected revenue for the
upcoming year. The bad news is
that we continue to see theGEA
still applied toour aid allotment.
Over the course of the past
several years, Le Roy has been
denied about 8milliondollars in
stateaid fundingdue to theGEA.
Wehadhoped thatwewouldnot
see this reduction applied again
this year and we would have
our state aid fully restored. As
it stands right now, we still have
about$250,000beingwithheld in
GEA.Over thecourseof thenext
fewweeks, the board of educa-
tion, theadministrative teamand
Iwillbediligentlyadvocating for
full restoration of the GEA, as
well as acall to revise theflawed
foundation aid formula. We are
cautiously optimistic that some
of thiswill be restoredwhen the
statebudget is releasedApril 1st.
Just a quickword about the tax
levy limit.Whenfirstproposedby
GovernorCuomo thiswas touted
as a 2% tax cap. This was very
misleading as the 2% was not
the limit, but rather a part of the
calculation to determine the per-
centage. In reality thecalculation
calls for 2% or CPI (whichever
is lower) to be used in the calcu-
lation. This year the number is
. That number, along with
other exemptions and additions,
Superintendent ’ Column
go together to make up the tax
limit calculation.Thiscalculation
is currently being finalized for
the district and will be used as
we complete the budget process.
We do believe that we will be
able to put forth awell-balanced
and responsible school budget
for the2016-17 school year. The
budget will be adopted at the
Budget presentations will be
held throughout the community
beginning inApriland theBudget
Hearing will be held
May 10,
atMemorialAuditorium. If
youwould likemore information
orwould like toscheduleabudget
presentation, please feel free to
contactme at 768-8133.
Enjoy thewarmweatherheaded
Submit letter of interest and
resume to
Mr. JonWilson,
2-6 Trigon Park,
LeRoy, NY 14482
or email at
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