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The LeRoy Town &
Country Garden Club held
their March meeting on
Wednesday, March 9th at
the Presbyterian Church.
Officers for 2016 are Jules
Feltes, President;AnnWal-
ters, Vice-President; Sue
Sue Privitera, Correspond-
Ray, Treasurer.
Sign-ups were held for
the 2016 Hostesses and
Committees.Tammie, from
the floral department at
Tops, demonstrated how to
arrange a bouquet of flow-
ers. She helped everyone
make their own bouquet – the
resultsofwhichare shown in the
picture above.
The next meeting, the annual
banquet, will be held on April
13that theLeRoyCountryClub.
Theannual SpringPlantAuction
will beheld June8th and is open
to the public with perennials,
bulbs, andmiscellaneous garden
LeRoyCentral School District
Bus PurchasePublicVote
March 29, 2016
2 p.m. - 7p.m. in the TrigonParkBuilding Gym Corridor
LeRoy Central School residents arebeing asked to authorize thedistrict toborrowmoney
for the purchase of new school busses in an amount not to exceed $306,500. This dollar
amount would purchase two (2) full size 65 passenger school busses equipped with a
two-way radioanda video surveillance system, one(1)21-passengerwheelchairbuswith
interior surveillance equipment and two-way radiopackage andone (1) 8-passenger van
with two-way radio package. These purchaseswill replace existing vehicles.
LeRoyCentral SchoolDistrict has implementeda10-year replacement cycle for all school
busses. This replacement cycle is based on a history of mileage and usage. The District
has found that maintenance costs, body repairs, rust damage and safety issues increase
significantly once a bus reaches approximately 10 years of age, particularly as school
bussesmust passNewYork StateD.O.T. inspections twice a year. Additionally, the strainof
typical driving patterns create a fasterwear onbusses as an average school busmakes an
approximately 100 stops and starts during a single day.
All public schools inNewYorkState receivea reimbursement fromNewYorkState for such
school bus purchases over a 5 year period. Le Roy Central School District’s reimburse-
ment ratio is currently 90%, thus the taxpayers would be responsible for the remaining
10%. The District’s plan is to borrow these funds to align the debt repayment with the
reimbursement period.
What Does ThisMean for Taxpayers?
Cost of 4 Busses:
NYSReimbursement at 90%:
Local Cost of 4 Busses:
The total LeRoy taxpayer cost wouldbe$30,650 for this proposition, whichwhendivided
over a five year payback period is approximately $6,130 per year from the General Fund
Budget. When this amount is then divided into the assessment value total for the entire
District, each taxpayer will pay approximately less than two cents per thousand dollars
assessed valueeach year. Inotherwords, if yourhome isassessed for$100,000 youwould
pay less than$2.00dollars a year for this proposition. If we factor in the salvage value of
the oldbusses, this amount is even less each year.