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1Church St., LeRoy, NY14482
byKimCox, Superintendent
LeRoyCentral School
Season’sGreetings toAll!
Our mild December weather
and sunny skies havemade for a
wonderful opportunity for many
of you to get out and attend the
various musical, sporting, and
learning events at our schools.
Yourpresenceat theseevents isso
Thank you for your attendance
and support.
The staff and students at both
the Jr.-Sr. High School and the
Wolcott Street School have been
busy holiday elves serving the
community in a variety ofways.
Over the course of the past few
weeks, studentsat theJr.-Sr.High
School have collected toys for
children in Golisano Children’s
Hospital. These toys will bring
tremendous joy and comfort to
the fragile children that unfortu-
natelyhave tospend theholidays
away from families and friends.
The Wolcott Street School staff
has generously filled stockings
with gifts for needy families in
the community. These will be
distributed next week and will
surelybringasmile to the facesof
many. Inaddition, students from
both schools have been spotted
ringing the bell for theSalvation
Army at TopsMarket. There is a
true sense of community being
demonstrated by all during this
special time.
Thank you to our students,
staff members, and all who
helped to make the holidays
special for everyone in our
community. Your kindness and
generosity are commendable!
As we ring in theNewYear, I
want to thankeachandeveryone
of you for your ongoing support
of the Le Roy Central School
District. This is a wonderful
school district and community
that always works together for
thebettermentofall. Iamgrateful
tobe part of such anoutstanding
BestWishes for aHappyHoli-
day and awonderful 2016!
Superintendent ’ Column
The FamilyOf
JosephC. O’Geen
Would like to thank everyone for the love
and support shown to us during the loss
of our loved one.
We appreciate all the kindwords, prayers,
foodmade and thoughts.
Wewould like to send out a special
thank you to the Falcone’s, FatherMike
&DeaconDave for being there for us
during this difficult time.
Warm regards,
The O’GeenFamily