LeRoy Pennysaver & News - page 4

December 2015
The Holiday season is in full
swingalready,and it’shard tobe-
lieve that theendofoneyear and
the beginning of another is only
weeksaway. At this timeofyear,
it’s important to reflect on some
of the past year’s achievements,
while lookingahead to legislative
priorities for next year.
This year’s state budget re-
strained spending for a fifth
year in a row and rejected tax
increases. In fact, over the past
five years, a $10 billion deficit
has been turned into a surplus,
creating anopportunity to return
moremoney to taxpayers.
This year’s budget committed
a record amount of funding to
fully fund STAR and Enhanced
STAR. Additionally, the budget
a second consecutive year.Most
importantly, theproperty taxcap
was renewed.
While the cap hasn’t solved all
of our problems, it has helped to
encourage fiscal discipline and
keeping a lid on tax increases.
According toonestudy, taxpayers
havesavedmore than$7.6billion
since it was enacted four years
ago. In2015-16alone,homeown-
ers are expected to save a total of
$3.3 billion in school taxes.
Overall, New York’s fiscal
house is inorder.Now, our com-
munity isfinallyexperiencingan
economic resurgence all across
WesternNewYork, fromBuffalo
to Batavia to Rochester. In the
lastfiveyears,673,500 jobshave
beencreated.Today, hundredsof
economic development projects
are investing hundreds of mil-
lionsofdollarsacross theWestern
NewYork region.
From an on-time state budget
to a renewed property tax cap,
there have been many accom-
plishments. However,challenges
still remain ahead.
The State Legislature will
reconvene on January 5th for
session. My major priorities are
fixing the Common Core learn-
ing standards, securing Upstate
New York’s fair share for our
infrastructure, andcraftingastate
budget that isfiscally responsible.
First, it’s time to correct the
Common Core by passing com-
mon-sense reforms to empower
parentsand teachers, restore local
control and address problems
caused by an overemphasis on
standardized testing.
Second, it’s time forUpstate to
get its fair shareof transportation
funding after Governor Cuomo
and the New York City Mayor
agreed to send billions of state
taxdollars todownstate’sMetro-
Our crumbling roadsandbridges
havebeenput on thebackburner
for too long.
Lastly, the budget must con-
tinue to keep spending under
control, reject new taxes and
include initiatives to help our
local economy grow and thrive.
I look forward to addressing
these challenges in an effort to
serve you, your family and our
community. From my family
to yours, I wish you a Happy
Holiday season and a healthy,
In 2015, Challenges
Asweenter theHolidaySeason, I would like to take
thisopportunity toThankYou
foryourpatronage, butmostofall foryour friendship.
Mon., Dec. 21 - Thur., Dec. 24 - 8-12
Mon., Dec. 28thnormal hours.
5Mill Street, LeRoy,NY
I look forward to
servingyou in2016!
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