The LeRoy Pantry andHelp Fund
would like to say aBIG thank you to the LeRoy community
for all the donations as a part of the
Make ChristmasMerry and throughout the year.
The Christmas project helped
90 households, 95 adults, 36 seniors and 111 children.
We shipped out 121 boxes containing about 60 lbs. of
food along with 22 bushels of apples, 15 bushels of onions,
17 bushels of potatoes, 125 heads of cabbage and 5 bushels of squash.
All locally grown.We also provided 400milk coupons,
30 boneless hams and 60 turkey coupons.
A Special THANKYOU to the staff and customers
at the LeRoyDollar General for all the donations
throughout the year to aid the families in need, YOUARETHEBEST!
Thank you to the churches, organizations
andmany individuals who provide the support to the Pantry.
to theTownof LeRoy (office& staff) for all their
assistance and space for thePantry.
We at theLeRoyPantryandHelpFund
wouldnot beable toprovide theaid to the community
without the assistanceof the staff at theLeRoyWolcott
Street School, theSeniorswhohelped toassemble the
orders fordelivery; and theLeRoyFireDept., Stafford
FireDept. fordelivering the 90orders again this year.
Thank you for all your support.
The LeRoy Pantry andHelp Fund